Chapter 20

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Arlo opened his eyes slowly as the sunshine shone on his eyes, as if to force him awake. He glanced out the window to see the beautiful sight from yesterday to be gone.

The blonde then glanced at John who's head was tilted to the right side a little and drool was dripping a little bit out of the males mouth. Arlo chuckled at the cute sight.

He then got a call, picking it up and answering by a, "Hello?"

"Arlo? Is John alright? The doctors and nurses kicked us out because the hospital closed so I couldn't check up on John. How is he doing?" She asked. Arlo glanced at John.

"He's doing fine, still knocked out cold but the wounds getting better." He says, glancing at the stab mark in Johns chest before his eyes unintentionally trailed down to his stomach, showing that he had abs clearly. Arlo then turned his head away and listened to Seraphina.

Arlo could hear a sigh of relief from the female on the other end of the call. "What did the doctors tell you? Did they say he will live? Is he gonna go into a coma?"

Alro laughed and tried to calm Seraphina down. "Seraphina, I can only you that all of those questions I can't answer. But I can assure you that John will be okay."

Seraphina sighed of relief once more. "I think that's all of the questions I will ask at this moment. Prepare for more questions."

Arlo chuckles and so did Seraphina. "Alright then.." Then hung up. He glanced at John again and walked over, resting himself in the seat next to the bed. He then looked at Johns resting face and closed the mouth of the black haired males.

"So cute.." he says and brushes the hair out of his face like he did last night. He then stood up a little and placed his lips on the others forehead, kissing it gently.

He then pulls back and sat back down, watching his peaceful face, making him smile softly. He then felt drowsy again, falling into sleep.


Seraphina heard the other line go off, still worrying about John. She had a million of questions to ask, but she knew there were only hundreds of answers.

Ever since highschool ended, she's been feeling quite worried for John. She knew he was still a cripple, he didn't have any abilities to help him in this imperfect world.

And that's when she knew she had fallen for the dark haired male. Everything they've been through in highschool, and Seraphina now realized she had... emotions for him.

But the purple haired girl knew she wasn't the only one who had them. Even though the blonde may look like an intimidating and ignorant fool, some of his emotions are quite clear.

Seraphina stared down at the phone, feeling like her heart was thrown in the trash. Arlo was already winning John over, everything was clear in Seraphinas eyes now.

She smiled sadly, clutching on her phone tightly. Tears stung her eyes as she tried to keep them open. Even if John was close to her in highschool, it was too late now that she realized her feelings for him. Everything in highschool popped in her head, but now it was just memories that couldn't be repeated again.


     John woke up to see Arlo still sleeping. He looked around, noticing that he was in a hospital, feeling fear rose up inside of him. No I can't be here again..

    John desperately, yet carefully got up from the bed, walking softly towards the door. It was afternoon so John had to be careful of the staff and security cameras.

     Once he twisted the knob, he looked out the hospital, seeing no employees in the hallway. Sighing relieved, the dark haired male walked out, already knowing the exit to this hospital.

     He then began running. This wasn't a normal hospital that made John so scared, it was a mental hospital. God forsaken Arlo called a mental hospital to take care of John.




       A few years has passed ever since John ran away, Arlo beginning to lose hope of ever seeing him again. Seraphina too has been trying to fine the lost male.

    "How could you have let him get away?" Seraphina asked, walking through the streets.

    "I didn't know he was gone, I was knocked out from not getting much sleep the past few days." Arlo says once again to Seraphina.

    "Arlo look!" Seraphina tapped his shoulder and pointed to a guy in an alleyway with a hood on and his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Is that John?"

    Arlo squinted his eyes, trying to search for the familiar face. "Its John.."

    They started walking towards the male but once he noticed them, he ran the other direction. "I'll go on ahead you take the shorter path."

    Arlo continued to run after John, going faster every step. Once he got close enough, he tackled him and pinned him to to the ground, making sure he won't move. "What the heck Arlo?!"

   John tried to lift his arm and get him away but the blonde was too strong to begin with, and John was too weak from no rest or food that even if he uses his ability he couldn't get Arlo off.

    "Where have you been? We've been looking for you!" Arlo says, staring down at the dark haired male.

     It was silent for a while before he could hear sobs coming from the dark haired male. "John-"

    "Get away from me.." John says, kicking the male off. Arlo landed on his feet just in time before he could slam in a tree. "I never want to see you again.."


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