Chapter 18

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The burning sensation was still there. His body felt numb as ever. Slowly, he started to rise up from the water.

"No panicking. Go back to Arlo, find a way out..." He looks around and noticed light. Except it was red.

"Shit.." he heard screams on the other end, getting louder and louder. He turned around and ran, as fast as he can.

The screams didn't stop. He didn't seem to be like he was moving quite fast. And the feminine figure was gliding over the water as fast as ever.

Scared out of his shit, he looked around desperately for anything to attack her with. And there was a bag in the water. He stumbled over and frantically opened it, seeing black dust.

The screams got louder than ever and he turned around, throwing it in the woman's face. She screamed, piling on with the scream aura, and her face started sizzling.

He turned around and ran again. "Black is good... then white is..." he noticed and bag again and had white dust. "Bad?"

The woman was on his trail again. He blew it on her again, which seemed like it paralyzed her. "Oh, good enough.." he says and continued to run.

"More black. I can defeat this monster and win." He looked around for floating bags. And go back to Arlo.


Arlo sat on the couch, crossing a leg over the other. He noticed that John was taking forever to wake up but he just let it slide, since he was quite too lazy to go up and wake him.

Everything about what John had said made him investigate something about it. It wasn't in his memory, it didn't seem like a vision, flashback, or dream.

Arlo then just decided it wasn't any use to try and figure out what it was about. The blonde sighed and shuffles through pages of a book on the coffee table, stopping at one certain page.

Dreams are just thoughts in someone's head.  It could be good and bad. I believe that bad dreams are for people who have gave others misfortune, hopelessness, or made them suffer.

What I think about the good dreams is that they are for people that did good. People who've been making choices of benevolence everyday.

But that doesn't last forever. Every slight error in the times atmosphere can ruin everything.

    Arlo decides to stop reading at that point, like he was afraid of it all of a sudden. He clicked his tongue and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling.


    The black haired woke up abruptly, sprawling himself out on the fluffy bed. He was out of breath and looked at his hands, seeing it all bruised. "Life sucks."

     John then suddenly felt like crying, as if he has been slammed against a wall and someone's was holding him by his neck, making her suffocate. He felt like the whole world was against him and wished he was gone.... gone.

      John suddenly felt like a blanket was dropped on top of his body, making him feel drowsy and exhausted. The blacked haired male felt like he lost control over himself, his sanity, his whole body. All he felt was a sharp blade cut through his chest before he blacked out once again.


     Seraphina has almost sat there for 2 days straight, wondering where John went. "He could've just blacked out again.. He has a big habit of not sleeping.." She says trying to calm him down. She hadn't admit it yet but she's been feeling strong tendency and concern for John that she's beginning to feel uncomfortable.

      "It's not like I 'like' him in that way... right? I'm just very concerned and just want to protect John from any harm..." She softly says, staring at the black, off television. Ever since they parted from highschool, she has been starting to worry about not seeing him again and if he will ever miss her too.

      The female sighed and rested her chin in her palm, thinking for a bit. "I could just meet up with Remi... We've gotten quite close since we went to the same university..." She then dialed her number on her phone, placing it up to her ear.

    "Remi? Wanna hang out?" Sera says, when the other line picks up. The girl on the other end gasps.

    "Sera? Is that you? We haven't seen each other in a while! Let's meet at the usual cafe." Remi says, Sera laughing.

    "We met two months ago, what's so long about that?"

    "Nothing much it's just I've been quite lonely. Isen and Blyke never call me." Sera knew she was pouting from the sound of her voice.

      "Alright I'm coming." She says, ending the call first, and stands up, grabbing her car keys and walking out the door.

    It didn't take long before Sera arrived at Boba LuvYa and parked her car in a parking space. She got out and searched through her bag, seeing that she forgot it at home.

     "Ugh.." She groans and feels a tap on her shoulder. Sera flips her head around to see a man with brown hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a business suit and looked like he might've been CEO of a company.

    "Here have some money." He says, handing her some cash.

    "Oh no its fine I can just drive home and grav my wallet before my friend gets here."

     "I insist. I don't need a few cash anyways, it doesn't hurt to be generous." He smiled and placed it in her hand before walking away.

     Remi scared her by jumping on Seraphina. "Hi Seri." She says and let's go of her.

    "I told you to stop calling me that Remi." Sera rolled her eyes playfully. Remi just giggled.

    "And I told you that it wouldn't stop. Now let's go to the cafe!~" She says, dragging Sera along with her.

     The man watched carefully as the two laughed and walked into the cafe. After a while a voice came up, "Did you do it?"

   "I gave it to her forcefully. She didn't even try to run after me and give it back. I think it will work. Soon we can find him, my queen."

    From the way of her voice sounded, the man knew she was smiling. "Alright. Just hurry."

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