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"Please, let me go to him."

Palkia frowned at the Vulpix's request.

"Send you to the human world?"

Pixie breathed in deeply and nodded.

Palkia thought for a moment before replying.

"Okay, I can do that."

The surprise showed on Pixie's face and she stammered.

"What, really? Y-you mean it? You can send me to the human world?"

"Yeah, but there are a few things you should know first."

"What's that?"

"Upon arriving in the human world, you won't be a Vulpix, you'll be something similar but still different, you won't be a Pokémon, you won't be able to use your moves, and should you find Jacob, he won't be able to understand you. Also, if you choose to go, you will be going alone."

Pixie inhaled sharply and looked at her two companions, a Gligar and a Carracosta.

"Glair... Tertle..."

Glair's jaw quivered, she was trembling all over. Tertle placed a hand on the Gligar's shoulder and she stopped shaking. Carracosta smiled at his Vulpix friend.

"We'll miss you Pixie, be safe."

Pixie nodded with a sad smile, Glair tried to say something but couldn't.

Palkia cleared his throat and the trio looked at him. He smiled and raised a single massive hand.

"Before you go, I can at least give you a little help."

He flicked his wrist and snapped his fingers and suddenly a Pokémon floated next to him.

The Steel and Psychic type was sleeping, it was swaddled in blankets and looked like a very strange baby. Palkia poked its large head. He poked it some more. He tried shouting at the sleeping, floating psychic baby.

"Jirachi! Wake up! I need favour!"

Nothing happened.

Palkia looked at the trio and chuckled nervously before whispering to the Mythical Pokémon.

"Come on Jirachi, you're making me look bad."

It was like he was using a Splash attack, because again, nothing happened.

Palkia sighed and rubbed his neck awkwardly, his face lit up as he got a new idea and snapped his fingers again.

A floating mass of darkness writhed before them. A single blue eye glared at Palkia.

"You ever do that again and I'll give you nightmares for the rest of eternity."

Palkia just laughed nervously. "Sorry about that Darkrai but I have a good reason. I need Jirachi to wake up, can you give it a nightmare?"

Darkrai finally noticed Jirachi floating next to the large pink dragon.

"Are you crazy?" Darkrai did not sound happy as he hissed at Palkia.

"Please, just a little nightmare?"

"Cresselia would have my head if I did that!"

Pixie, Tertle and Glair all gulped and exchanged wary glances at the mention of their former foe.

Palkia and Darkrai continued arguing in angry whispers.

"For Mew's sake Palkia, you know what Jirachi's like when she wakes up early!"

"I know, I know but-"

Palkia never finished as Darkrai interrupted by yelling.

"But nothing!"


Jirachi's wings (Wings?) unfolded from its body and it blinked awake and stared at Darkrai and Palkia.

Darkrai whimpered, shrunk into the shadows and disappeared.

Jirachi smiled innocently at Palkia.

"I'll kill you." She said all too happily.

The dragon laughed nervously. "Right but before that, I need a favour."


"See her?"

Palkia pointed at Pixie and Jirachi smiled at her. Palkia explained everything and Jirachi continued to nod gravely until he was done. (I say everything because Jirachi slept right through the thing with Zeraora)

"Ok then." Jirachi said.

It closed its eyes and glowed a soft blue, Jirachi's wish tags lit up and its third eye, located on its stomach, opened.

Threads of pink light materialised out of nowhere. They moved towards each other and wrapped around one another, the ends joined and formed a pink circle. Jirachi smiled proudly and placed the collar around Pixie's neck.

"There, all done."

Pixie tried to look at the collar but struggled, it fit perfectly and was comfortable, she hardly noticed it, but she didn't understand.

"So, what's this?" She asked.

Jirachi danced on the air. "It's a collar silly."

Palkia frowned, "Jirachi, she means what does it do? Why does she need it?"

Understanding dawned on the Mythical Pokémon.

"Oh, it's so that, when you're in the human world, you can come back if you want. It's a free wish from yours truly."

Palkia closed his eyes and flexed his massive hand towards Pixie. A flash of light and he opened his eyes and smiled.

"And now it's spatially linked to me, which means that just say my name and I'll be able to hear you. I can't promise I'll be much help, but I should be able to do something."

"So, with this I can talk to Palkia and it'll grant me one wish?" Pixie asked Jirachi.

"Yep! But once you make the wish, that's it, you'll still be able to talk to Palki nut nothing else, so save it for when you really need it."

Palkia frowned. "I told you not to call me that Chi."

Jirachi giggled, "You may be the master of space Palki, but I will never conform to your laws of reality."


Palkia sighed and looked to Pixie. "Ready to go?"

The Vulpix turned to the Carracosta and Gligar, they nodded to her, and she answered.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Glair stumbled forward and wrapped her friend in a hug. "Be safe, come home sometimes, and behave yourself, I don't wanna hear about any funny business!"

Pixie laughed and shook her head. "Okay, it's a promise."

Palkia closed his eyes and glowed brightly, there was a flash of light and when it settled Pixie was gone. Glair collapsed in tears and Tertle pulled the Gligar into a big hug. He stared up at the sky and whispered.

"Good luck."

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