Chapter 24:

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"This is ridiculous." Jacob said.

Jacob sat on the bus one row in front of Tim and Rosie, their relationship was going well, they weren't sickeningly sweet or overly romantic, together they were simply perfectly perfect.

Now however, they had arrived at a problem, their school formals were coming up, on the same day. One of the formals was on the southern side of town while the other was on the northern end. (Formals are the Australian version of a Prom or Graduation Night Dance)

Needless to say, they wanted to go together but they couldn't decide which one to go to. Rosie wanted to come to Tim's and Jacob's because they were her closest friends, but she also had good friends at her formal and Tim didn't want Rosie to miss out on going to the dance with her friends from North-side.

For the whole bus-ride they had been arguing over which one they should attend, and Jacob was fed up.

Tim and Rosie looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Well what do you suggest?" Tim asked.

Jacob thought for a moment, but he came up with nothing.

Tim sighed and rose as the bus stopped, he waved goodbye.

"Have a good weekend you two." Tim said.

Rosie smiled and waved, "Yeah, you too." Jacob replied.

Rosie and Jacob rode the bus without saying much until their stop, they got off, wished each other a good weekend, and waved goodbye.

When Jacob entered the house Pixie could tell he was frustrated.

"Arh?" She asked him.

He smiled at her and scratched behind her ear, she purred, he poured himself some water and began complaining.

"What am I gonna do Pix? Tim and Rosie can't go to both formals, that would be too expensive, but they can't decide on which one to go to!"

Pixie considered the question, then she ran away, Jacob raised an eyebrow and followed her through the house. He found her in his bedroom, she was waiting on his desk and he sat down and watched her.

"Okay girl, what now?"

Pixie began spinning in random circles, then she chased her tail, rolled onto her back, waved her paws in the air and then flicked her tail from side to side.

"I get it!" Jacob exclaimed but then, "Wait, no I don't, one more time?"

Pixie started barking and jumping around, this time Jacob somehow got the message, (I don't know how he did but it sure is convenient).

"Instead of two little formals, one big one..."

Jacob whipped open his laptop and found a copy of the invitation to both formals, he began making calls and organising. He smiled at Pixie.

"Come on girl, we've got a party to plan."


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