Chapter 18:

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"Tim can you watch the food while Jacob and I gather more firewood?" Rosie asked.

"Uh, I'm not so sure that's a good idea, and they're gone."

Rosie walked into the bush pulling a surprised Jacob along behind her, she handed him a torch and they left Tim in search of firewood.

Tim called after them, "Seriously guys, I don't know how to cook!" They ignored him.

He frowned, "Well I hope you enjoy going hungry!"

Jacob followed Rosie picking up sticks as he went, he stopped when he noticed she hadn't collected any yet.

"You didn't bring me out here to get firewood, did you?" he asked her.

"No, I didn't."

Rosie blushed slightly and looked at the ground, she was hopping from foot to foot and Jacob could tell she was nervous.

"Then, are you going to kill me now, is this a murder and Tim's next?"

Rosie laughed at the joke and looked Jacob in the eye.

"Remember when we were on your veranda, that night when you came to dinner?"

Jacob grew nervous as well, he blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I remember."

Rosie looked down again, then she took a deep breath, gathered her confidence and ploughed ahead, there was no going back.

"That night I told you that I'd been hurt before because I didn't know what love looks like and you promised to keep me safe. Well you have, and I want to thank you and I need to tell you, I know now, what love looks like and I've realised I do love someone, but he isn't you, I'm sorry."

Jacob's eyebrows raised, he was surprised to say the least, but then he laughed.

"Well, I'm glad I could help." He replied.

Rosie looked at Jacob with wet eyes.

"You mean, you're not mad, or upset?"

"On the contrary if you need a wingman, let me know. Rosie there was a time when I liked you, but when Pixie bit me I realised that love is a choice, we decide how to use it and where to give it and yours already belonged to someone else."

Rosie cheeks turned a deep-crimson red and she stammered. "H-How? How did you know?"

Jacob shrugged and laughed "What can I say, I've always been perceptive." Jacob turned his back and began picking up firewood, when he was in the Pokémon world he had learned that having the last laugh can be a bad idea, he forgot.

He cleared his throat, "If you don't mind me saying, Tim's lucky, he's getting one hell of a kisser."

There was an audible smack as Rosie belted Jacob, she made him collect more firewood and then she dragged him back to camp by the ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please let go, please let go."

Rosie let go and belted him in the arm one last time, she crossed her arms and closed her eyes, until she smelt burning.

Jacob and Rosie looked at Tim, he was next to the portable barbecue, he wore a deadpan expression and raised eyebrows, he threw his hands in the air.

"I said 'Don't leave me with the food', I said 'I don't know how to cook' but did anyone listen? No! Tonight, we're eating charcoal." He offered Rosie and Jacob a sausage burnt beyond recognition, neither of them accepted.

A sly smile appeared on Jacob's face, "Right sorry about that Tim, I did get dragged off against my will so, I'm going to get more firewood and Rosie is going to stay and teach you how to cook."

Jacob turned and walked back into the bush waving a hand over his shoulder at his two friends who were now awkwardly laughing and trying to cook.


"I got one!" Tim struggled with his fishing rod, Rosie and I were watching him with amused smiles, Rosie was to only to one to have actually caught anything in the hour we'd been fishing. She had caught two fish so far and Tim was determined to catch something.

He pulled back hard on the line and his hook flew from the water, his bait was gone as was his fish. He frowned and gave a depressed and exaggerated sigh.

"Oh man."

Rosie laughed, "Give it up Tim, I'm the best like no-one ever was." Rosie knew of mine and Tim's obsession with Pokémon and would make a reference every chance she got.

I groaned at the joke, but Tim smiled and fought back.

"What can I say? Gotta catch 'em all."

I groaned again.

"Yes, but when it comes to catching them I'm number one." Rosie replied.

"Yeah, like a shiny Tim's one in a million, a real good catch." I said with a smirk.

Tim looked at me confused, Rosie struggled to hide to the fierce blush which had appeared on her cheeks. I laughed loudly.

We stood and fished for a while longer when I felt a large tug on my line, I fought a hard battle with the fish and eventually reeled in onto the river bank. It was big, bigger than either of Rosie's fish, Tim shouted in excitement of the catch.

"Way to go Ace!"


"Nice catch, too bad Tim won't catch anything before we go home." Rosie said.


"Oh, yeah, you just watch me, I'm on fire!"


"Uh, Jacob, are you okay?" Rosie looked at me worried, Tim noticed me standing dead still and became worried as well.

"Yo, Jacob, what's up?"

I didn't hear him.





I had promised her we'd go home, we'd go home to Sharpedo bluff, but I couldn't keep that promise, I couldn't go to her home, so she came to mine...

Tim had driven us here in his car and now I looked to him with pleading eyes. He was surprised at first but then smiled brightly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What'cha need bud?" He asked.

"Pixie. I have to find Pixie."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Rosie asked.

We abandoned the campsite and ran for Tim's car, Tim got in the driver seat, I was riding shotgun and Rosie sat in the back.

It was maybe fifteen minutes to my house and between here and there was a nature reserve. 

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