Chapter 6: Pixie

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"Ung... Where? Where am I?" I lifted my eyes and looked around. I was in a white room, I was lying on a comfortable table, a variety of strange metal tools were placed around the room.

The ache in my leg was gone, I checked, and it had a bandage around it. I tried to move and a there was a shock of pain which settled into a dull throbbing.

I hissed between my teeth and decided to stay put and merely move my head.

There wasn't much to see in the room, trays, medical tools, some clothes. There was a tray on the bench with bullet shrapnel in it. There were two swinging double doors.

A lady walked through them into the room, a young boy walked after her, they both wore different kinds of uniforms.

"Well it looks like she's awake." The lady smiled at Pixie.

The boy sighed; "Well that's a relief, thank-you."

"Your lucky the shrapnel wasn't very deep, what happened?"

"I don't know, I found her unconscious in an alley."

The vet was surprised.

"Oh? You found a wounded fox cub, picked it up and brought it here? I'm glad, most people would've kept walking or finished the job."

"Well when I saw the collar I figured I had to do something and get this, I had no idea but as it happens she belongs to a friend of mine."

The nurse frowned. "Well tell them to take better care of their pets."

"Yeah, I'll make sure to tell him that."

"It's strange, not everyday you see a domesticated fox, I suppose someone saw her and thought she was wild so shot her, oh well. Well you should be right to take her now, I'll get you a carry cage."

"Thank-you, oh and..."


"I suppose I'll grab the bill as well."

The nurse nodded in understanding. "I'll give it to you, then you pass it along to your friend and he can pay it I reckon."

Tim smiled tightly. "Yeah, I guess so."

The nurse left the room and Tim turned to Pixie, he walked forwards and reached a hand out. Pixie shrank away from his touch.

He spoke in a soothing voice; "Hey, don't worry girl, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to take you home and soon you'll be back with Jacob."


Pixie's ears pricked up, and her eyes grew wide, had he just said?

She started yipping madly at Tim, he recoiled.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down!"

She barked a little more before she sat still and was quiet again. Could it really be that this human could take her to Jacob? Her Jacob?

Perhaps she should go with him for a while and see what happened.

Two heads turned as the lady walked back into the room with a pet carrier.

"Alright, here you are."

She placed the cage on the table and handed Tim an envelope.

"That's the bill, make sure it gets to your friend yeah?"


The nurse smiled at Tim and then at Pixie, she lowered her hands and gently scooped up Pixie, Pixie let herself be placed in the cage, the door was closed and locked.

"Okay, you're all good." The nurse smiled brightly.

Tim grabbed the handle on top of the cage and began to walk out, he called back.

"Okay, and thanks again."

The nurse waved as the pair left.

Tim left the clinic and checked his watch, it was about 4:30 pm. He had time, he turned and walked towards 32 Cullert street.

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