Chapter 2: Pixie

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My eyes fluttered awake slowly, my vision was blurry, and I had a headache. I stumbled to my feet and looked around. I was lying in a darkened alley between two stone buildings. The alley had two exits, one led out onto a path, humans walked on it and large metal boxes roared along it at terrifying speeds. The other exit led out onto a small dirt path, I could see the start of a forest a little way off.

I ran for the safety of the forest, entered it and slowed down. I was thirsty and needed to drink, panting I searched for water until I came across a watering hole. Trees surrounded it on all sides and some strange creatures drank from it. Some looked like Pokémon, there was a furry Kangaskhan, there was what looked like bird-Pokémon, there was even a Meowth slinking around the waters edge.

I ran forwards and plunged my head into the cool depths, I lapped up the water, after satisfying my intense thirst I peered at my new reflection. Palkia was right, I was different but not too different.

I had one long straight tail, four paws, a little black nose, sharp eyes and big ears. Red fur covered me all over, I was small, I looked like a cub of some kind. (She's a fox cub)

I wonder... I raised my head and lowered it quickly and tried to shoot a breath of hot flame, but nothing happened. I tried to speak, it took a moment, but I found my voice. I approached the Meowth that was on the other side of pond.

"Um, excuse me?"

The Meowth jumped away and hissed at me before running off. I tried speaking to several other of the creatures but they all attacked me or ran away. I guess they couldn't understand me. What a nuisance.

I looked back the way I'd come, I could hear faint noises coming from the human settlement. How the heck am I supposed to find Jacob? He might be in the city, but he might not be, he could be anywhere.

"Palkia help me." I muttered.

I waited but nothing happened, I sighed and shook the collar that hung from my neck only to find it was different than before. It was still a soft pink colour but now had a tag hanging from it. The tag had words on it, but I had no idea what they said.

My stomach growled, I forgot about the collar and began to look for dinner, the sun was setting in the distance and the moon was rising.

I gathered some berries and sat eating them under a tree. I sighed and again I whispered; "Palkia, please help me."

A small star blinked pink a few times. I blinked back at it, okay then, I got up and began to chase the stars.

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