Chapter 22: Jacob

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Today was the day, I had been looking forward to this for a while now, my school held a celebration every year, seeing as it was my last year at the school I figured, go big or go home right?

Today was the Book Week Parade, the day when everyone dressed up as a book character and the school had a parade of all the costumes, it hadn't been easy, but I had convinced the school to let me bring Pixie.

There were two conditions though and those were; I had to keep her on a leash and I had to bring the pet carrier.

She wasn't fond of either, but she wanted to come.

I walked from home wearing a cap, a t-shirt with a jacket over the top and long cargo pants, I was dressed like Ash-Ketchum from 'Pokémon The Series; XYZ', Pixie sat in the carrier, she had streamers hanging from her, forming six curled tails, her hair was brushed into a small round fringe.

I met Rosie at the bus-stop and she laughed at my outfit and the 'Vulpix' in the carry cage. She wore a pink dress, her blond hair had been curled and she wore a small crown, she looked like Princess Peach.

I hadn't been expecting the costume and it made me laugh, I laughed even harder when Tim got on the bus dressed as Mario.

At school people laughed at my out-fit and I laughed with them, they thought Pixie was awesome. It got near the end of the day and the parade was going well, I was walking the schoolgrounds, Pixie was on her leash and smiling brightly, until the littles kid saw her.

I can't really blame them for wanting to pat her, she is adorable, but I also can't blame her for not wanting to be patted. Pixie made a break for it, she pulled the leash from my hand, kids screamed and ran every direction, I gave chase calling her name, but she was too scared to stop.

She ran into a classroom, a teacher closed the door and locked her in, I ran up breathing hard.

"Sir, you've gotta let me in there, that's my fox."

"So, you're the owner?"

"Yes, and I'm really sorry but please, she's just scared."

The teacher nodded, and he handed me a small brown bottle, I read the label and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Cat-nip?" I asked.

"Yes, I was saving it for my kitten but now seems like a good a time as any, not that I'm sure it'll work but it won't hurt to try it."

I nodded, taking the bottle I entered the classroom, Pixie was hiding underneath a desk in a corner, when she saw me she ran over and jumped into my arms. I pulled out the bottle.

"Here you go Pix, drink this, it'll help calm you down."

I tipped the bottle up and Pixie drank a little, seconds later her eyes became distant and she started making weird noises, I sighed, Pixie was high on cat-nip, I'm not really sure how it worked but it did.

I walked from the classroom holding her close and the teacher nodded.

"Go on, get her out of here, and take the bottle, you might need a little more."

"Thank-you Sir." I said before leaving.

I left the school and went home, I placed the cat-nip on the bench, Pixie was stumbling around the kitchen, walking into stuff and falling over, she had a dopey expression on her face.

"Arh?" She barked.

"Oh, Pix." I shook my head and went to the bathroom, while drying my hands I heard a crash from the kitchen, I walked in and found Pixie lying on the ground in a pool of cat-nip. She was slowly drinking as much as she could, the bottle had been tipped on its side but luckily hadn't broken.

I cleaned up the cat-nip, and gave her a bath, which was significantly easier than normal because she was high, lesson learned, don't do drugs and never ever do cat-nip.

I took her into the kitchen and placed her on the counter-top, cutting a yellow fruit into quarters, I knew she wasn't going to like this, but I couldn't think of any other way.

"Sorry Girl."

I pinned her down with one hand, and with the other I forced the lemon into her mouth, her eyes went wide, she struggled to escape the sour taste.

I didn't let go until she bit my finger, I pulled my hand away from her sharp teeth and she spat the lemon from her mouth.

She glared at me, I chuckled and waved my finger in the air, her glare softened, and she walked forward.

"Don't worry, it's not bad." I said.

I lowered my hand, so she could see the small mark, she licked the wound, the lemon was still on her tongue and it stung, I yelped in pain and she made a noise that sounded like obnoxious laughing, I glared at her and ran cold water over the cut.

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