Chapter 12:

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Jacob got on the bus with Rosie the next morning, Tim raised an eyebrow at the pair and sat down a seat in front because Rosie had stolen his seat next to Jacob.

Tim waved and joined the conversation, "Morning all."

"Morning, Tim meet Rosie, Rosie meet Tim, Tim Rosie here is my new neighbour."

"Nice to meet you Rosie, what school you going to?"

"North-side public."

"North-side eh, game on."

"Oh, yeah, let's go."

The trio laughed and talked until Rosie got off, it was silent for a moment as Jacob stared out the window until Tim said.

"So, you like her?"

Jacob blushed fiercely, he struggled to stammer a denial.

"Wh- No! No, I don't."

Tim thought for a second before nodding.

"Good, because I do."

Jacob's mouth dropped, and he looked at Tim.

"You? But, but I..."

"But what? You just said you're not interested."

Jacob closed his mouth tight and looked sadly out the window. Tim laughed loudly and slapped Jacob on the arm.

"Relax dude, I'm kidding, she's all yours."

Jacob sighed depressingly. "I don't know man, last time I was in a relationship..."

Tim nodded in understanding. "Ah, don't worry, your wingman has got your back." Tim smiled widely and gave Jacob a thumbs up.

Jacob rolled his eyes but smiled despite himself.


One month later Jacob and Rosie jumped off the bus, Jacob waved to her. "See you tomorrow Rosie.", then he turned and began walking but Rosie called after him.

"Hey, wait up!" Jacob stopped and looked at her, "You live with your mum right, would you and her like to come around for dinner tonight?"

Jacob was caught off-guard, he blinked a few times. "Uh, yeah sure, what time?"

"How does six-thirty sound?"

"Cool, sounds good, looking forward to it."

Rosie smiled brightly, "Great! It's a date then!"

A pink tinge rose in Jacob's cheeks, Rosie realised what she'd said, and her face grew red hot.

"Um, not that, what I, what I meant was... Uh, see you later?"

Jacob threw his head back and laughed loudly. "Okay, it's a date."

They smiled at each other and walked away.

When Jacob walked in through the door Pixie knew something had happened, he was smiling and whistling and... dancing. She couldn't bear to watch, it was just, wrong. This wasn't dancing this was an assault on her eyes.

Then he started singing. It hurt. Pixie howled, trying to make him stop, he looked at her surprised and he stopped singing, then he started howling.

Pixie lay down and whimpered, she placed her paws over her hears and tried to push them flat against her head. Jacob picked her up and spun her around.

"Hey Pixie! You know that cute blonde Rosie? Guess who she just invited to dinner? That's right this guy." Jacob sighed loudly and held Pixie eye-level. "This guy and... his mum. No worries, mum can't be that embarrassing, can she?"

Jacob sighed and sat Pixie on the table, he sat on a chair and looked at her.

"Confession time, the only one I've ever had a crush on was Pixie, not you, different Pixie."

Pixie growled. "Nope we're one and the same." She said, Jacob smiled at the barking fox pup.

"With Pixie things were easy, I didn't have to think about anything, me and her, we just, worked. If I could somehow go back to the Pokémon world and I didn't have to worry about mum, I would go back in an instant, I would be with Pixie again, and I would forget all about Rosie. But, I know it's not possible, and I know Pixie would want me to be happy, so I think, I need to let her go."

Pixie jumped from the table and ran, she hid under Jacob's bed and screamed internally. Of course, she wanted him to be happy, but she wanted the two of them, Jacob and her, to be happy together. She didn't know what to do, but something told her it still wasn't time to use her wish.

She heard footsteps, a door closed, and then running water. Later Jacob came out of the bathroom, he closed his bedroom door, there was a towel around his waist and his hair was wet.

Pixie decided, she would make Jacob know, that she is Pixie, she had to let him know.

Jacob pulled some clothes from a cupboard, Pixie crawled out from under the bed and barked happily. Jacob jumped and spun towards her, and his towel slipped, it fell to the ground.

Jacob stood staring at Pixie, he was stark naked. A blush rose in his cheeks, Pixie stared between his legs and she whispered a single word.


Jacob picked her up and removed her from the room in a hurry.

He came out later wearing a collared shirt, jean type shorts and classy sandals. Pixie couldn't believe her eyes, Jacob had brushed his hair, he must really like this girl.

He sat at his desk and worked away at his homework until his mother arrived home, he met her in the kitchen. His mother dropped her bag in shock, she looked at her son in disbelief.

"Did, did you, brush your hair?"

"Yes." Came his single word answer. His mother freaked out.

"It's a sign of the times! A harbinger of the apocalypse! It's, it's..." She looked at her son, saw he was dressed nice, noticed the slight smell of deodorant and the clean-shaven face. A sly look came across her face and her voice changed.

"Oh, it's not a sign, it's not the apocalypse, it's a girl."

Warmth flushed his cheeks and he blushed furiously.

"N-no! No, the neighbours invited us to dinner is all."

"Oh? How old's their daughter?"


"Okay, okay! What time?"


His mother checked her watch, it was six twenty-seven. She groaned and threw her hands up, "It's hard to find good help these days."

Jacob fed Pixie and re-filled her water bowl; his mother came back wearing a nice-casual dress and the pair left. Jacob looked at Pixie as he closed the door.

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon, wish me luck!"

Pixie growled, and Jacob closed the door.

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