The Pregnant Mage

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"Natsu!" Lucy yelled. She was standing in her apartment by her bed and she finally got the courage to tell Natsu some news. Ever since they decided to date and then get married Natsu has mainly lived in her apartment building and Happy stayed with his friends. At first, the people at the guild were surprised but then came accustomed to it after the other Dragonslayers in the guild explained the whole mate thing. "What? Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Natsu said when he came running into the room."Yeah, I'm ok. I just wanted to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Well... We are going to need to move."
"What do you mean?"
"We are going to have to get a bigger place."
"No, we won't."
"Why not?"
"Why do you think that I have been sleeping here since we got married and Happy has been with staying with his other friends?"
"I don't know. I thought it was a comfort thing."
"I have been building us a house. Or at least I am paying for it."
"Wait, what?"
"I had gone on so many missions and accepted the reward every time so that I had enough money to be able to do things before I met you. I never told Happy though."
"You mean, all that time you actually had money?"
"Yeah, I'm smarter than I make myself out to be you know."
"Anyways....?" Lucy asked hoping to get the rest of the story from him.
"Anyways, I am buying us a house and it is in the process of being built right now but it should be done in about a month. Why did you say that we need a new house anyway?"
"Well... um. I - I..."
"C' mon Luce, you wanna tell me or not?"
"I think I'm pregnant." Natsu looked at her and a giant smile spread across his face. He picked her up and started twirling her around then put her down.
"Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?"
"No Natsu. You didn't hurt me."
"C' mon, we should get to the guild before Erza yells at me for keeping you so long."
"Ok Natsu, ok," Lucy said with a laugh. We walked to the guild and as we walked in the doors the other dragon slayers in the room looked up. Both of them came over and stopped us from moving further into the guild hall.
"You're different. Both of you are. You even smell different," Wendy said."Yeah, what happened since yesterday that would make you even more protective of Lucy, Natsu?" Gajeel said.
"Lucy, should we tell them?" Natsu said.
"I guess we should they are dragon slayers, after all, they'd find out before anyone else. Plus they won't stop until they find out."
"Yeah. I guess."
"You're actually acting mature for once Natsu. This must be serious." Laxus said walking towards them.
"Knock it off Laxus," Lucy said.
"Fine, I'll knock it off. Geez, when did you get so bossy."
"Well, I'm pregnant." They all stopped cold.
"You're what?" they said in unison.
"I'm pregnant. And that is also the reason why Natsu is acting so mature I think."
"That would explain the smell and why Natsu is extremely overprotective of you," Gajeel said.
"Well, we should probably tell the whole guild, shouldn't we?" Lucy asked Natsu after the others left them alone.
"Well, we should keep it between the five of us for now."
"Ok. But if people start asking questions I am going to tell them."
"I know. Just call for me because I need to be there too you know."
"Don't worry Natsu. I won't talk about it without you." They walked up to their normal table to be greeted by Erza, Grey, and Happy.
"Why did the other dragon slayers stop you guys when you walked in?" Erza asked.
"We all needed to talk," Natsu replied coolly.
"Yeah, and why are you acting so mature, Natsu?"
"Does it really matter?" Lucy butted in.
"I just want to know if this is the real Natsu," Erza said in reply.
"He only started acting this way after we discussed something this morning." Then Natsu punched Grey.
"Wanna go flame brain?" Grey said
"What was that Ice Princess? Wanna fight?" Natsu said in return they started fighting and not soon after the whole guild was fighting. Lucy sat down in her chair, exhausted, and dizzy. Natsu noticed this and stopped fighting with Grey and the rest of the guild. Worry etched across his face as he walked towards Lucy.
"Are you ok, Lucy?"
"I'm fine. Just tired, that's all."
"I'm taking you home then."
"No, Natsu, it's alright."
"No. I don't want you to overwork yourself."
"Natsu, are you sure? You can stay and hang out and I can sit here and watch."
"Nope," Natsu said grabbing Lucy by the hand "You are getting some rest." Unbeknownst to them the whole guild had stopped fighting and were looking at Lucy with worry and curiosity. Wondering why Natsu was so worried and protective of her all of a sudden. They have been married for four months. So everyone was confused. The only people that weren't confused but were still worried were the other dragon slayers and their mates. Then Erza who was trying to figure it out ran out of the guild hall chasing after Natsu and Lucy. Natsu put Lucy down on her bed and she fell fast asleep. Then there was a sudden loud knock on the apartment door. He knew it was Erza with questions but he wanted Lucy to rest. "What is it Erza?" Natsu asked
"Let me in."
"If you promise to stay quiet maybe I will."
"Why do I have to stay quiet?"
"Lucy is asleep."
"Ok, I promise." Natsu let Erza in and they both sat on the couch and talked about nothing until Lucy woke up.
"Ugh. I feel like crap."
"Lucy!" Natsu yelled, happy to see her awake.
"Hey, Natsu. Erza? What are you doing here?"
"Well, I was worried about you, the whole guild is. When people noticed that Natsu ran over to you in the middle of fighting with Grey, we all stopped."
"Wow. I didn't even notice that everyone stopped fighting."
"I had a bit of a hunch on why Natsu is so worried about you. Lucy. Are you pregnant?"
"Wow perceptive as ever. We thought we would have a little more time to deal with it ourselves before people started finding out but I guess Natsu's weird behavior and the dragon slayers stopping us at the guild would attract some attention."
"I honestly didn't know that they were going to do that Lucy. I'm sorry, that probably got you stressed." Natsu said.
"Natsu, don't worry. It was actually the joy of seeing everyone again and seeing you back to your old self and all the action from this morning that just left me drained by the time I sat down. Don't worry either Erza. I'm fine."

If I continue this story I am going to write a prologue or something before this chapter to have things make a little more sense.

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