Random Story

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(521 words) Sorry that this is really random, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
Life. Most compare it to a road or a path you walk along. Me? I compare it to a lonely day standing on the sidewalk, waiting for your ride to show up. People come and go, while you stand there, doing your own thing, walking your own pace. Waiting for your time to leave. Most people are eager to leave, while others never want to, nevertheless everyone and everything has it's time to leave this world. There is no such thing as eternal life, no such thing as infinity, yet all our beliefs, mathematics, and even science make it out to be a real thing. Everything comes to an end, but we will never see an end but for the lives around us and our own. For all we know, the world that we know today can be gone tomorrow. You live your life the way you want, don't be pushed by others to create a path that they want you on. A friend said to me once "People make mistakes, and mistakes make people" I believe this to be very true, although most believe a mistake is something you do wrong and you must fix it immediately and/or be punished. I believe people learn best through their mistakes. As long as it isn't something terribly bad, I can understand that people make mistakes and you are strange if you go through life only making no, or very few, mistakes. I make mistakes with my writing and mainly my homework, I even make mistakes practicing my flute for concert band and marching band. It takes time and patience to be good at something, it's even better if you have fun doing it too. Infinity has no real definition, has no real purpose but to make us feel better about the fact that there are some things we will never solve in our version of reality. Us authors, artists, actors, anything that involves bringing something to life or making it a physical thing to look at, we all create multiple realities but we can only see and live out the reality our minds have created for us. Everyone sees things differently, hear things differently, imagine things differently, and creates things differently. In other words, we all live our own version of one reality.
Sorry for the extremely random shpeal but I really wanted to get that off my chest. I should have this and (almost) all my other stories updated by the end of the month, school is kinda getting in the way and I can't type at school because my school blocks cell reception so you only get enough to get calls and send texts, nothing else!... Anyways, hope you enjoyed and/or found inspiration from this random upload and I hope everyone has a better day than I did! Have a great day everyone :).

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