Pain - modern au

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(A/N) I honestly don't know what this is, I was upset with my family and this was the product I guess. Enjoy, don't enjoy, I don't care at this point.

Carla's Diary
2007 - 2020

August 4th, 2007
Hi! My name's Carla! Daddy says that I was named after Auntie Wendy's best friend that went missing. I have an older brother named Lukas, he's really nice. I'm supposed to get a younger sister soon, I can't wait to meet her!

August 24th, 2007
I got my little sister today! I'm so excited to meet her but daddy says I can't see her until mommy comes home, I hope I can play with her soon! Daddy said her name was Nashi :)

June 3rd, 2019
I had everything. I had loving parents, a loving older brother, and loving aunts and uncles. We had money, we had a good lifestyle. I never really wanted for anything. At least, it was that way until she came.

The second she was born, everything was taken away from me, my room, my toys, even everyone I loved. When Mom and Dad were asking us where we wanted to eat or what we wanted to watch with them, she was always the one who got to pick first, if my choice was even considered. When they would ask us what we wanted for our birthdays or Christmas, she always got what she wanted, I only ever got clothes or a book I'd never read. That's all I get anymore. The only reason I have a phone is because I was getting older and would be out of the house in only a few years, plus I had a school trip that I refused to stay home from.

August 15th, 2019
I'm sixteen, she is twelve. I have very few memories where I was happy with my parents and older brother, but I hold onto them like they're my lifeline.

November 19th, 2019
I lost my fun loving, caring brother that day, she stole him from me.

August 10th, 2020
Mom has told me to stop comparing myself to her and all I can think about is the things everyone says to me when I mess up one time "Why can't you be more like her?"

September 11th, 2020
Today's my birthday.

Nobody remembered.

September 12th, 2020
I decided. If anyone ever reads this, tell my parents that I loved them. All I ever wanted was to be loved, I would never wish any ill will on them or anyone else, I just wish they realized that I was hurt.


(Lucy's POV)
I closed the small diary and cried. I found it the day after she disappeared but just couldn't bring myself to read it. I think I knew, in my heart, that what I would find in there wouldn't be all puppies and rainbows.

I heard the front door open and knew it was Natsu and Nashi. Lukas had moved out almost two years ago. Carla disappeared two days after he left. It couldn't be anyone else.

I curled up into a tighter ball and hugged the small diary to my chest as I cried. I heard Natsu walk in but I didn't even lift my head to look up at him. My heart was broken. I hadn't even realized that I had been neglecting my own daughter for years!

"What's wrong?" I didn't answer him, I didn't even move from my spot.

"Lucy, it's been two years, you have to move on. We don't know why she left-"

"We did this." I whispered, cutting my husband off.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Here," I said and finally moved to hand him the diary.

"This is the diary we gave her before Nashi was born..." he trailed off. He opened it and began reading, I could tell when he got to the part where we forgot her birthday, his face immediately crumbled and he started to close the book.

"Not yet, there's more." I said and he looked back in the book.

"We should have seen it." He said, anger and sadness now covering his features. I looked away and hugged myself. I don't know if I could raise a new child, or if I should just abort it before even telling Natsu about it.

Natsu closed the diary and turned it around. A small paper fell out and he looked at it, when he finished reading it he looked pissed as hell.

He handed the paper to me and I slowly read it, I froze when I saw that last line written neatly in my missing daughter's handwriting.

"I'm pregnant"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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