Their Future, Their Past - Part 2

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I am an epic Aphmau fan and I love this song and music video. I also think it will go well with what I have in mind.


>Natsu's POV<

3 months ago

"Please, it's for your safety, and theirs." I told Lucy quietly

"I understand that but I promise that I'll be careful. C'mon, Natsu. They are going to question why I stayed behind! I want to help!"

I sighed, knowing that this was an argument that I wasn't going to win anytime soon. I looked away and spoke a simple word that had her jumping up and down. "Fine."

After the battle bc I suck at battle scenes and I don't know how to write this one so, yeah.

It was like I could feel the life slowly fade from my body. I faintly heard Lucy scream my name. When she got closer to me I mumbled her name. I am so tired. I heard her say something about me being okay, but I knew that this time was different than the other times that I've been knocked down.

"Luce, stay safe for me, and for them," I placed a hand on her stomach. "I-I'm afraid that I won't survive this time. I love you, Lucy Heartfillia, and our children." I kissed her, then her stomach. "I hope, if I do survive this, that you will become a Dragneel instead but it's up to you." I don't think she heard me because she didn't say anything about it. My hand slowly fell from her hand and I heard the faint noise of someone yelling for Wendy, then I felt her trying to heal me. I knew that even if she did manage to heal me enough for me to survive, that I wouldn't wake up right away. I slowly faded out of consciousness and fell in a deep slumber.

What Natsu went through when he was in a coma for three months...

I woke up in my bed. Lucy was next to me and I heard a young girl yelling at someone from the living room. I stood, careful not to disturb the sleeping Lucy, and walked out into the living room. A young female, salmon haired child stood in front of a young boy that looks about five years old with bright blonde hair, and he was crying, and her twin stood next to her, blonde mixed nicely with salmon colored hair. I immediately knew their names, Nashi, her twin, Luke, and their younger brother, Itri. I watched as a man I didn't know come in and try to take Itri from his siblings. I ran up to the guy and punched him in the face but someone else was behind the kids that I didn't notice and they grabbed Itri. I ran after them. For some reason, that won't come to me like their names did, Itri is really special. I knew that I couldn't let them have him, our little star.

After trying to catch up to the kidnappers I lost their trail, scent and all. When I came back home, Lucy was holding Nashi and Luke and trying to calm them. I walked back in with my head down and I heard Lucy break down.

"Th-They got away? They took him? Our little star?H-How? Why him?" She yelled between sobs. It broke my heart to hear her so broken, it made it hurt even more that our son, our youngest son, was taken from us. I knelt with Lucy, who had fallen to her knees, and hugged her to my chest. My tears flowed into her hair as I hugged her to me.

"I'll find him. I promise, I can't let him be taken away from us." I spoke into her hair. "And as much as I want to go and find him right now, I need help from the guild. So we are gonna go to bed and wait for the guild hall to open and everyone is there, okay?"

"Usually you just run into things without thinking. What did you find out there?"

"Zerif's scent." I said and Lucy went quiet as her eyes widened with shock.

"I-I... I didn't think he would return. What does he want with Itri anyway?"

"I don't know-" I was cut off when I heard a crash from the living room. Lucy and I rushed out to see the same people from earlier, and they had Nashi and Luke. A knife was pressed up against their necks, their backs pressed against the fronts of the assailants. I stopped in my tracks and Lucy ran into my back.

"You're too late, Natsu Dragneel. Your children will die and so will your precious wife." One of the men said. I looked behind me to see that a new person had Lucy in the same position as my kids.

"Please, let them go! I will do anything if you let them go!" I yelled, I was hoping that I could get them free.

"No, it's orders from the boss to take them out. Now!" As he yelled the last word, I saw as all three men took the last of my family away from me. I saw the life slowly leave their eyes and I broke down. I knelt down and held my children's small bodies and my wife's head to my body. I cried, more than I did when Igneel died in front of me. My only hope was to find Itri before anything happened to him. I heard footsteps and someone knocking on my door, but I was so numb. I couldn't do anything but cry, loud, nasty sobs left my throat. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Mira, Levy, Gajeel, and a few other people barge into my house. Most of them collapsed into tears, Gajeel walked up to me, silent tears falling, and pulled me away from their bodies.

"Where's Itri?" Gajeel asked me.

"...Z-Zerif. Zerif took him from us, I th-think he's still alive." I said once I lost sight of the lifeless bodies of my family. I was filled with a new purpose. To find and protect my only living son.

"I need to find him!" I yelled and ran into the woods where the men took him hours before.

It has been almost three months and they could find no trace of Itri. Natsu was broken and wouldn't be his normal happy self. Everyone in the guild was still looking for him everywhere but there was no luck, until one day...

"Help!" A young and familiar voice yelled, then a young boy barged into the guild hall. I looked up to see my son, Itri. Behind him stood one of the men from that day. That painful day. The man grabbed my son in the same way that they had to the rest of my family, and quickly sliced his throat. I saw everything in slow motion. I couldn't believe that I would see him, scared, one last time before he was wrenched out of my hands like Lucy and the twins. I rushed and grabbed his body as the life drained from his eyes. Once again, I sobbed. Those harsh sobs that tore from my throat. My family, my children, my wife, they were all taken from me. Why is life so cruel? Why is it that I finally find peace in my life and it's taken away from me?

That night, Natsu took his life. Or so it seemed.

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