Email Draft 2

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Just a reminder to keep in mind that this was written over a year ago. Hope y'all have a good day and stay safe!


Word count: 908


A woman stood in front of a grave, she was crying. A young man was watching through a screen his captor provided.

"Why did you have to leave me, Natsu? You haven't even been missing for a month and we have already searched all of Fiore and beyond for you, most of the guild thinks you're dead. We even had a funeral but the casket was empty. And Natsu, if you can hear me, I would want you to know that I love you with all my heart, and I am pregnant. You're the father," she said with a sad smile on her face. It pained him that he couldn't go to her. "Please!" the Pinkett shouted, "Please, let me talk to her, just this once." "I will give you a lacrima that has one use only and give her another then you may speak. Only this once." his captor said. Natsu grabbed the lacrima from the cloaked man and watched on the screen as a man in a cloak walked up to Lucy and handed her the other one. I called it immediately and she answered it. "Who is this? Wait! Natsu?! How? Where are you?" she asked."I can't tell you where I'm at so let's just say that I am trapped somewhere and I can't get out but you guys at Fairy Tail need to find me. I wanted to tell you something.""What is it?""I love you too, and I'm glad that I'm going to be a father. I miss you and everyone in Fairy Tail but promise me something.""Yeah?""Promise you won't come looking for me while you are taking care of our little dragon, okay? I need you to be safe. I want you to stay with Happy at my old place. You don't have to worry about rent there. I want you to be happy and take care of our child, I'll be fine if I have to wait a year to see you again. As long as you're okay and our little dragon is safe.""N-Natsu... I will, I promise.""Tell Mira," He paused, asking permission to tell her this. "Tell her this, you may not understand it but she will. Under tower over road, that is where you'll find a secret code. Once you find it, then you'll see where the person you are looking for will be. I know it rhymes and sounds odd but Mira will know.""Okay, Natsu, I'll tell her.""I love you, goodbye Luce.""Goodbye, Natsu," Lucy said as the Lacrima turned off. A single tear fell from her eye. She ran to the guild and burst through the doors. Everyone was shocked and looked at Lucy, who now had tears streaming down her face, and was just stunned."I-I heard from N-Natsu!" she yelled and everyone dropped what they were holding. She held the lacrima in her hand as she cried, squeezing it and falling to the ground. "What did he say, child?" Master asked."He s-said some w-weird rhyme. I think i-it was some-something like Under tower over road, that is where you'll find a secret code. Once you find it, then you'll see where the person you are looking for will be. He also said that he couldn't escape from the inside and that we would have to find him and pull him back through." She said the tears had stopped."That dummy got himself stuck in a demon cage!" Mira said. "The only way out of those things is to do what the demon wants or for someone to release him by killing the demon. Or if he had enough cause to, he could break out himself but I don't see that happening unless someone he cared for was in trouble," she paused "Lucy!""What? No. He made me promise not to get involved.""Oh, come on! You're the only person that I can think of!""He made me promise not to get involved until...""Until what?" Mira asked, confused."Nevermind.""What is it?""Fine. Until the baby is born." Lucy whispered looking at the ground."Wait! You're pregnant?!" Gajeel and Wendy yelled. Of course, they could hear, they are dragon slayers. Lucy thought"Whaaaaaaaat?!" Everyone yelled. "Is this true Lucy?" Everyone asked."Ye-yeah, a-and Natsu's the father," she said, still stuttering a little bit trying to control her tears.Everyone sat there, silent. It was the quietest the guild has ever been for a long period of time. Finally, Lucy broke the silence. "Where's Happy?""I think he went on a mission or he's at Natsu's house. You're not off the hook, missy! When did you find out you were pregnant?" Mira asked."I, uh, found out the day before Natsu went missing." "When did you start dating? I never saw you two change your attitudes for each other or ever really spend an extensive amount of time together?""We started dating three years ago.""And we never knew? What the hell!" Levy yelled."I-i'm gonna go know. I need to tell Happy."- At Natsu's house - Lucy walked up to the door and opened it to find a crying Happy."Happy. Happy? Happy! HAPPY!" Lucy yelled, getting louder. "What! Oh, Lushy. Natsu isn't back.""I know, we know where he is.""Wait, what? You know where Natsu is?""Well, we have an idea but he has to free himself.""Why are you here?""I'm here because I wanted to tell you that Natsu is a dad.""Wait. Natsu, a dad?""Yeah. He's the father to my child.""You have a kid?""In a few months.""What do you mean by that?""I'm pregnant with Natsu's kid, idiot cat!"

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