Email Draft 1

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Alright, this is an email draft I found when I was going through my personal email for the first time in about a year. It was okay and I decided to post it. The next chapter will also be one I found in my drafts. Just keep in mind that I wrote these over a year ago.


Word count: 1122


I woke up feeling nauseous. I think I have the flu or something. My friends are worried about me and at least one of them came over to check up on me every day. I was thinking about the last time I was out having fun with them and the guild. It was a party celebrating a new guild member and everyone got really drunk. I remember the next morning that I woke up, naked, next to my salmon-haired best friend. I thought about it and realized something and I ran into my bathroom and grabbed a pregnancy test. I sat there fidgeting and waiting for the test to finish processing. I looked at it and stood there, shocked, as I looked at the test results. Just then I heard someone yell. "Luce? Where are you?" I didn't respond, I was still shocked. "Luce! Are you in there? I don't hear any water so I'm going to come in!" I knew he was worried about me. I also knew that he wanted me happy. I was lost in thought until his warm arms went around me in a hug.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked. I simply grabbed the test and put it in his hand. He looked at me, then at the test, then back at me, then back at the test. I was so scared that he would reject me, and our child. What I didn't expect was to see Natsu get angry."Who's the father," he demanded."Y-you are, N-Natsu" I stuttered. I was going to cry if he got mad at me. But then he hugged me."We are gonna be a family. I'm never going to leave your side unless I have to go on missions, okay? I love you, no matter what. I'm yours for eternity. You're my mate!" he said happily."W-what d-do y-you m-mean m-mate?" I asked blushing a deep red."Luce, dragon slayers can only reproduce with one person and that is their mate. You can't choose your mate either," he said as we finally let go of each other's embrace."So it's like a soulmate thing?""Yeah.""Are we going to tell the guild?""Only if you want to.""Okay, we probably should," I said and we walked to the guild. Natsu and I walked in together and I felt his warm hand hold mine. We walked in the guild doors."Lucy?" someone yelled and the whole guild stopped what they were doing and stared at me and Natsu, or really our hands. He still held on to my hand and squeezed it lightly. "Natsu! What is she doing out of bed?" Gajeel yelled. Thankfully Erza and Gray were on a mission so they could help me pay rent this week. I told them that they didn't have to but they said that they wanted to. "We found out why she's sick," Natsu said quietly but loud enough that I and the dragon slayers could hear."What do you mean?" Gajeel yelled at Natsu."She's pregnant." He said at the same voice level as before and Gajeel stopped cold. The guild was confused as to why Gajeel yelled or why he suddenly stood stone still with a look of shock planted on his face."What's going on?" Mira and Master asked."I haven't exactly been feeling the best the past few weeks and Natsu and I found out why I've been feeling this way. I wanted to tell everyone today even though Natsu insisted that I stay and get rest and to tell you guys tomorrow.""Well, what is it that you wanted to tell everyone child?" Master asked."Natsu and I are going to be parents.""Wait. Did I hear this right? Natsu, a dad. Natsu? A dad! Wait, you're pregnant?!" Mira yelled."Yeah, that's why I haven't been feeling well. It's because of morning sickness." The doors to the guild hall burst open to reveal Erza, Grey, Jallal, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, and Happy. The whole guild was still in shock from my news so that automatically raised suspicion about what happened while the others were away."What happened here? Why does everyone look so shocked? Lucy!" Erza said when she spotted me. "What are you doing here?""I know why I've been sick. So I came to tell the guild.""Why would you need to tell the guild?""Because I'm pregnant," I said and her jaw dropped. I looked over at the rest of them and they were also shocked. Then Gray spoke up. "Who-""Natsu," I said, interrupting him."Natsu? Natsu's the father? You have to be joking!" he said laughing."She's not," Natsu said. He was getting mad and I put my hand on his arm and he calmed down."Wow, you've been tamed.""They aren't joking Gray. I can hear their heartbeats," Wendy said"Wait, their heartbeats?" I was confused."Yeah, I can hear more than two heartbeats from you, Lucy.""What do you mean 'more than two'?""I mean that I can hear three. Your heartbeat and then two more.""Tw-twins?!""I guess so." I looked at Natsu and he hugged me closer to him. I was confused. He started growling and that finally got everyone's attention. Everyone that was still shocked finally stopped and asked what was wrong. Then Zerif showed up right in front of me."Hello, brother.""Don't call me that," Natsu yelled and growled."Oh, I don't want a fight. I just wanted to say congrats, the twins will be very powerful. They would be able to defeat me by the time they are seven. Your girl over there has rewritten the book and changed it so you won't die when I die. More like you will die of old age, but a little secret that she has kept from everyone is that if she dies, so do you."I looked at the floor and tears started falling down my face. It was all true, every word."I don't think that matters. You act as if I fell in love with her when she rewrote the book! I was in love with her from the minute I met her in Hargeon!"I looked at him shocked. Everyone was in stunned silence. "Remember Luce? You were under a love charm and I ran into the square and it broke? Why do you think it broke? All of us dragon slayers have been keeping a little secret ourselves. We have mates. We can only reproduce with that one person and any type of love spell or charm will be broken or won't work if they can see each other. Even if they aren't close or can't see each other or hear their voice, the spell is a lot weaker on us. It is easier to break free from them. Even spells that make us harm one another or hate each other don't work."Everyone was surprised and the dragon slayers all facepalmed. Natsu has never sounded so mature.

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