Their Future, Their Past

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It's been a while since I updated this one but I'm back with a new idea. I know that it isn't all that well written but I'm still young and need to improve so comments on things I did wrong are very welcome! Hope you enjoy! Sorry if they are a bit OOC I'm not very good at the moment with that...
Imma weirdo and I'm proud!
Story time!
"Natsu!" Lucy yelled when she saw her best friend laying on the ground, unmoving. She ran up to him and started sobbing.
"Lucy..." Natsu said quietly, too quietly.
"Natsu! You're alright!" She sobbed and hugged him.
"Luce, stay safe for me, and for them," he placed a hand on her stomach. "I-I'm afraid that I won't survive this time. I love you, Lucy Heartfillia, and our children." He kissed her, then her stomach. "I hope, if I do survive this, that you will become a Dragneel instead but it's up to you." He mumbled and Lucy didn't hear him.
Levy, Gajeel, Mira, and Laxus watched from a few feet away, tears threatened to spill. They had rushed to find out where they were when they heard Lucy's scream. Mira and Levy went to find Wendy so they could get Natsu help.
"Wendy! We need your help!" Levy and Mira said when they found her close by. When they returned Natsu had passed out and Lucy was crying even harder.
"We need to get him into the infirmary now! We don't have much time!" Wendy yelled as she tried to heal Natsu. After they stabilized him in the infirmary Lucy grabbed Mira and Levy's hands and dragged them into a corner.
"How much did you see? What did you hear?"
"We didn't hear anything, we just saw Natsu kiss you, then your stomach. Why'd he do that anyways? I didn't even know you two were a thing!" Levy answered.
"...W-we've been together for a few years now."
"What! And I'm just now learning of this!" Both Levy and Mira said.
"That didn't answer my question, why'd he kiss your stomach?" Levy spoke up after a minute.
"I-" she sighs, "I want to tell the guild when Natsu wakes up. He wanted to tell everyone with me."
"Sorry if I'm being a bit of a downer, but what if he doesn't wake up?" Mira asked.
"He's gonna wake up. I just know it."
"Well, don't get your hopes up, Lucy. I don't want you to be hurt worse." Levy said.
"I know, thank you for worrying about me. I really appreciate it.

It's been three months and Lucy was sleeping with her head on the infirmary bed that Natsu was laying on. Natsu woke with a start, having lived a three-month-long nightmare, where he lost Lucy, the unborn twins, and another unborn child of his. He pulled Lucy into his lap and she curled up in his arms and sighed. Natsu started petting her hair and moved onto his side with Lucy still curled in his arms, and he fell asleep. Mira and Levy came in half an hour later and saw the two cuddling. They quietly walked out and told the rest of the guild to leave them alone. They were excited that Natsu had moved, hopeful that he was waking up.
Lucy woke up to see that she was in Natsu's arms and looked up to see him smiling down at her.
"N-Natsu? Is this a dream or are you actually awake?"
"I'm awake Luce. I love you. How are they?"
"The guild or the babies?"
"The babies, I'll get to see the guild later but I need to know how you are doing and if they are alright."
"They're fine Natsu. The doctor I went to said that they were two healthy babies. Nobody at the guild knows yet either. They do think it's weird that I won't let Wendy use healing magic on me though."
"We should tell them!" Natsu said excitedly. He tried to climb out of bed but his legs couldn't hold him up and he started to fall but Lucy managed to catch him before he fell face first into the bed next to him.
"Maybe I should go get the guild to come in here." Lucy said as she helped Natsu into bed.
"No!" Natsu yelled, startling Lucy. "The last three months I've been in a nightmare and right now I don't want you out of my sight until I'm sure that this isn't a dream, okay?" Natsu replied hurriedly as if in apology.
"Well, I can text Levy and tell her to get everyone in here."
"That works for me."
"How'd you know that you were asleep for three months?"
"I didn't that's just how long my nightmare lasted. I felt like I was actually living it." Natsu shuddered at the thought.
"Well I'm glad you're okay."
There was the sound of the door handle turning and then Mira and Levy appeared behind the door.
"Hey, Lu, how are you doi- Natsu? You're awake?" Levy asked and Mira ran out and they could hear her tell the guild that Natsu was awake.
"Awake? Check. Alive? Check. Everyone is okay? Check. Yeah, I think I'm up."
"Ha ha." Levy responded then laughed. "It's like when we almost lost Lu~chan out there. She was even acting like you did, Natsu. You were always by her side, refused to go home, she was the same. I mean we were all worried but she really did act like you did a few years ago."
"You should go out there and talk to everyone, Natsu," Mira said as she entered the room.
"There's a problem with that," Natsu and Lucy replied at the same time.
"What's the problem?" Both Levy and Mira questioned.
"I can't stand up. I can feel and move my legs but they can't support me. Lucy caught me when I almost face planted on the bed next to me. We do have to tell the guild some things though, the sooner the better."
Mira and Levy looked at the two like they were crazy. "Okay?" The two replied.
Once everyone was gathered together in the infirmary, Natsu explained why he couldn't meet them in the guild hall.
"I also asked Lucy to keep something secret and it's kinda big. I had told her that if anything happened to me before we got to tell anyone, to wait for me to return or tell everyone if I die. I- I almost died but I just couldn't give up. There are two people's futures that I had to be a part of, and I couldn't leave Lucy or the rest of the guild."
"What do you mean by 'there are two people's futures that I had to be a part of'?" Someone asked.
Natsu looked at Lucy and nodded.
"I-I'm pregnant, everyone, and I think that Natsu was saying that he didn't want to leave them without a father."
The guild was shocked, looking between the two and noticed the slight bump on her stomach.
"Wait, what do you mean by 'them'?" Levy asked.
"Twins," Natsu and Lucy replied.
"How do you know so early? She can't be more than four months along!" Someone else asked.
"I heard their heartbeats, it was right before we had to fight. If you remember, I tried to get Lucy to stay behind."

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