Hold On

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I screamed into her pillow, her scent gradually fading as my tears soaked it. The memories from before haunted me. It has been days since she's been awake. Days since I last saw her smile, since I last saw her laugh. My last memories of her we're fighting. Now, looking back, it was such a stupid argument. She walked away, angry with me, and she never came back home. I went out to look for her and I found her bleeding out on the side of the road. I ran her to the nearest hospital since Wendy was out on a mission with Romeo and Porlyusica was too far away. 

I couldn't get the memory to go away. I made myself get up from her bed, I went to the bathroom and looked at my red, puffy, bloodshot eyes and all I could think about was if she was okay. I got dressed and made my way to the hospital, even though it was almost midnight the nurse still let me into her room. I saw her there, motionless, her heart beating slower than it should. Memories flashed before my eyes; when we first met, when we went on our first mission, the look on her face every time I ordered everything off the menu, her beautiful-no-gorgeous smile. I realized just how much I loved her at that moment. I went over to her bedside and grasped one of her hands. 

"Luce... I know, now probably isn't the best time, but... I just wanted to say... I-...I love you, Luce. If you don't survive this then, I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life. You... You are my light. I-... I need you, Luce." I said to her, my eyes tearing up as I heard her heart getting fainter. I started singing a song that I remember hearing a long time ago.

"Loving and fighting

Accusing, denying

I can't imagine a world with you gone

The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of

I'd be so lost if you left me alone

You locked yourself in the bathroom

Lying on the floor when I breakthrough

I pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Can you hear me screaming "Please don't leave me"

Hold on, I still want you

Come back, I still need you

Let me take your hand, I'll make it right

I swear to love you all my life

Hold on, I still need you

A long endless highway, you're silent beside me

Drivin' a nightmare I can't escape from

Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadin'

Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones

They took you away on a table

I pace back and forth as you lay still

They pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Can you hear me screaming, "Please don't leave me"

Hold on, I still want you

Come back, I still need you

Let me take your hand, I'll make it right

I swear to love you all my life

Hold on, I still need you

I don't wanna let go

I know I'm not that strong

I just wanna hear you

Saying baby, let's go home

Let's go home

Yeah, I just wanna take you home

Hold on, I still want you

Come back, I still need you"

I felt my heart break as I saw the line go flat. 


I'm really sorry that it was so short and depressing. I've kinda hit a rough patch in my life right now and with my school's homecoming last week and marching band events the day of and after, I've been kinda fried. I'm also sorry for taking so long to update, I can't really help it. I'm only in high school and I've gotta a lot to do because I no longer have a study hall, plus previously mentioned events. I hope you all have a great day!

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