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He was the one everyone was afraid of and nobody would talk to.

She was the new girl.

What happens when they meet and realize they've met before?

//this is a little idea of mine and I would love to know if you guys would like to see it continued. If I end up rewriting this and posting it as a short story I will flesh it out a bit more, this is more like the rough draft I guess. I might continue it anyways but I would love to know everyone's opinions! I hope y'all enjoy!//

I just happened to be going through all of my stories and I found this. I honestly don't remember writing this but its decent. Definitely not my best work, completely unfinished, and I don't remember where I was going with this story so I just finished the flashback and ended it there.


"It's your first day! C'mon, before you're late!" Virgo yelled from the other room. I grumbled as I got up from my comfy bed. Today was my first day at school ever sense the incident. I hopped into the shower and got dressed in my uniform.

After I was ready to go, I went downstairs and told Virgo that I was going to school and went out to my simple black truck and drove to school.

After getting my schedule and finding out where all my classes were, I went to my first period. Everything was pretty uneventful until seventh period.

"Alright everyone, quiet down! We have a new student with us today. Would you like to introduce yourself?"


I sat in the corner away from everyone, my head down as I wrote in my notebook. When Mr. Dreyar  yelled at the class to quiet down and that we had a new student joining our class I finally lifted my head.

Being shocked was a mild way to put it. I stood up, knocking my chair against the wall in the process, when I realized who it was.

"Lucy?!" I half questioned half yelled.

"Natsu?! You're here?" She said in the same way.

"Alright, Dragneel pick up your chair and sit down. Miss Heartfillia, please introduce yourself."

"My name's Lucy Heartfillia, I hope to get to know everyone!" She exclaimed with a smile that lit up the whole room. My heart clenched, the memories of what happened blurred my vision. I felt like I was shutting down again.


He was here. I thought he died. I was knocked out of my thoughts when the teacher placed me right next to Natsu. I sat down in my seat and started to talk to him. (This class is a study hall)

"I thought you died!" I whisper yelled.

"I thought the same thing! What happened? Did anyone else survive?"

"No. They're all gone. Everyone's gone." I said as tears and memories blurred my vision. I felt his warm arms and large frame envelope me. I sobbed quietly into his chest.

"Luke didn't survive, our baby boy died. Why? He was only two, he didn't even get the chance to live." I continued to sob into his chest.


Hearing her sound so broken broke my heart. Our two year old son, Lucas Itri Dragneel, died in a car crash a year ago. We were in another town, in a different school, teenage parents, but we didn't care. We loved each other. I went through a rough time when I thought they both died.


I was sitting in the back seat, Lucy's head was on my shoulder and our little boy was sitting next to her. His  short blonde locks and pale skin were just like his mother where he had my eyes. My parents were in the seats in front of us and Lucy's parents were in the driver and passenger seats. We were heading home from a little family outing. The other car swerved into our lane, losing control on a rather large patch of black ice. They crashed into us and all I remember was darkness. Then I woke up in the hospital

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