Love and Heartbreak

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The young blonde gestured to her child, asking the younger pinkette to come closer to her mother's bed.

"Come here baby," the blonde said to her daughter. The little girl started crying. She was only five and she was already so powerful and smart, she understood what was going on with her mother even if she didn't want to believe it.

"Oh sweetie, don't cry. Everyone dies at some point baby. Some sooner then others. You need to remember the good times, but don't forget the bad times either." Her voice was so weak that the child could only cry harder, but she tried to smile through it, even though she wasn't happy in the slightest.

"There's my baby girl," Lucy said and gave a weak smile to her child, hugging Nashi close even though Lucy was so weak.

"I love you, Nashi. If you ever get to meet your father, tell him I loved him with all my heart, okay baby?"

"Okay mommy." The young girl sniffled into her mother's chest.

"Make sure you give him the box, okay?"

"I don't want you to leave..." she started to cry again.

"I will always be with you, maybe not in person, but I will always be with you in here," she said tapping Nashi's chest, right over her heart, "and here." Lucy finished, tapping her daughter's forehead.


A young pinkette stood in front of the guild doors of Fairy Tail. She was nervous and still upset about her mom's passing. She held a decent sized black box in her hands, the one that held all of the things her mom had wanted to give to Natsu.

She finally gathered the courage to walk into the guild and when she did, she was bombarded with all the laughter and the joy that radiated from everyone there. At least, everyone except for one man. He was obviously in pain, and it hurt the young girl to see him like that. He had pink hair and she felt pulled to him so she walked up to him.

"Sir?" she asked, the man turned around. He caught a whiff of her sent while he was turning around and couldn't believe what he smelled.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice oddly calm. He felt like he couldn't scare the poor girl, like he had to do everything in his power to protect her and make sure she's happy.

"I- I'm Nashi." She said timidly, if it wasn't for his dragon slayer hearing, he wouldn't have heard her. But when he registered the name, he froze. Everything fell into place, the reason why she had her scent, why he felt so overprotective, even how she looks and holds herself. Natsu and Lucy had talked about what names they would want if they ever had a child and he had suggested the name Nashi for a girl. They had been married for a year at the time and Lucy was just wondering what he would want for a name if they ever had a kid.

That was before he left for that mission that took way too long. He had just gotten back to the guild when he started feeling that she was dying. She had been sick, he knew, but he never thought it was bad enough that she would die.

When he got back to the guild, he was confused because he didn't know where Lucy was and apparently she had disappeared a month after he left for his mission. Before he could even try to look for her, she passed away. Nobody else knew that she was dead so it was business as usual.

"Nashi, you're Nashi Dragneel, aren't you?" He asked his daughter. She looked up at him, confused.

"How'd you know?" She asked as she clutched the box she held a little closer to her body.

"Because I picked out your name," He said and smiled at the young girl.

"So you're my daddy?" She asked. He nodded and kneeled down and opened his arms for a hug. She gladly walked into the embrace and cried into her father's large chest. Some of the guild started to notice the interaction between the two and wondered what was going on. Gajeel and Wendy decided to listen in on their conversation to figure it out.

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