Chapter 1

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"Salvador!" A rough voice brought him back to his increasingly dull reality.

He was at his home, a small plot of land that included his house and the forge which his father worked in most of the time. It sat upon a small hill and had a winding road that led down to the marketing district. His mother was a successful merchant and had a garden which Salvador loved dearly. She spent most of her time in the Sapinsville Market but spent whatever time she could with Salvador. With both his father and his mother's money, Salvador's family was one of the wealthiest in the town. Unlike the other wealthy families, Salvador's family gave every coin they could to charity.

"Papi?" he replied.

His father had a scraggly brown beard that was weeks overdue for a shave. The tangled mop of dark brown hair atop his head closely resembled Salvador, and so did his rich brown skin, but that was about where the similarities ended. While Salvador's father was big and strong, his arms packed with rock-hard muscle, as they well should be, considering his father was a blacksmith, Salvador was a tall and lanky, full of wiry strength spent from days in the forge.

"Get me a colada down in the tavern. Nice and cold!" 

"Yes, Papi, right away."

"Right away indeed."

"Oh, and take a few coins and donate it to the Surgeon Bia. The townsfolk haven't been donating as much and she's struggling a bit." He extended a burly hand a dropped some mercantii.

"Yes, Papi!"

As Salvador hustled to the tavern, he greeted his friends and neighbors, humming a happy tune down the long winding pathway down to the tavern. A beautiful day it was. Wouldn't it be great if every day was like this? The spring sun shining down on the faces of everyone outside, the birds chirping merry tunes, the sound of people greeting one another. The river-breeze gently kissed and caressed his skin. What could be better?

Salvador pondered this fact, but... he longed for a change. Was that selfish? He didn't know, he just knew in his heart, pulsing and growing with every passing day. With the desire grows his will. His will to accomplish what he desires to do.

The town consisted of over four-thousand people, one of the larger towns in Sersalvon. Large as it seemed, Salvador knew every twist and turn, every nook and cranny in the town. It was home to him and had always been.

The reigning lord was Lord José Rivera of House Rivera. His men-at-arms constantly patrolled the streets of Sapinsville. Their surcoats depicting the river-blue and green lily sigil of House Rivera easy to spot in a crowd. They were a constant presence in the Sapinsville Market, where goods that came ferrying up and down the Corriende River.

The Corriende River. The body of water which Sapinsville was nestled against. Its rushing waters a constant sound in the background of Sapinsville. Its cool river-breeze tamed all save for the most blistering days. The river was so large that multiple villages and towns used it as a way to tax ships coming up and down the river. Even Rivièrra, the seat of House Rivera, sat upon the Correinde's banks.

If Salvador wished, he could go to the port and see the dozens of ships that passed through the Sapinsville Port. He could see the goods they carried, the men aboard, and if he was lucky he could see the sigils of House Rivera and other noble houses as their caravels passed through.

Salvador's house stood upon a small hill with a plot of land surrounding it. It was two stories and stood tall and proud. A large house for a family of his size, but it was comfortable. It was home.

As he reached the tavern and opened the door, the scent of alcohol hit him square in the face. He saw Lily, the barmaid, working her pay.

"Ah, dear Lily!" he exclaimed. "It is wonderful to see you!"

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