Chapter 7

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When Salvador returned to the castle grounds word was going around that the duchess had announced there would be a feast to commemorate the arrival of Samee Aguino, son of Lord Emmanuel Aguino. The mood in the castle was frantic as servants and stewards rushed around the castle to get things ready for the feast. The lordling arrived on the morrow, after all.

Salvador decided to have supper brought to him instead of eating with the Florjes family. After all, it would do no good cause trouble for them, and he had no doubt that Carlos wanted nothing more than for revenge after beating him in sparring this morning. So he and Gerard sat at their little dining table, eating casually. They talked about places they wished to go, and the best parts of their previous adventures. They spoke of news that they had heard today about different parts of the kingdom, places of opportunity, or just whatever seemed interesting.

"House Lunea seems to be ready to go to war with House Albantes," Gerard brought up. "There were multiple skirmishes along their borders, the king seems to be doing what he can to stop all conflict, however."

" A first." Salvador snorted. "He knows that if two large houses sworn directly with him go to war, it'll pretty much be like holding up a sign that says 'Do whatever you want, I can't stop you!' in bright red."

"Everyone already can do what they want without the king doing anything. The fool is powerless!"

A sharp knock sounded at their door. "Angelica," Salvador said.

Gerard raised an eyebrow. "So sure?"

Salvador grinned. "Certain. Who knows, maybe Inejgo is with her."

Gerard went to answer the door and was met by the sight of Angelica and Inejgo. He turned to Salvador and said, "I guess you were correct."

"I'm always correct," he retorted.

"Oh?" Gerard said in a mock surprise voice. "Well, I do remember that one time in Nyove Royne when you led us straight to a nest filled with brigands. Do you remember?"

"Yes, yes," Salvador admitted exasperatingly. "You always bring that up! I was green back then, that was only my third time on the job!"

"I remember that," Inejgo said. "Whenever you two came back with a report of your job to my lady mother, Gerard was laughing hysterically as he forced you to tell your mistake to my mother!"

"What was your client for that job?" Angelica asked.

"Some Royni lord," Salvador said, waving his hands in a dismissive gesture. "He wanted us to clear the brigands from his lands. I remember the job, he gave us a hundred fifty swords to do the job."

"After two battles that number had lowered to seventy-five," Gerard added.

"I remember," Angelica said, nodding. "You told us that you were forced to have to resort to killing the brigand leaders."

"We wanted to do it honorably," Salvador admitted. "And it partially succeeded. None of the brigands would face Gerard so we had them face me. I killed all who did. However, not all of them accepted our challenge to combat, so we had to kill them in the dark." Salvador felt his expression turned grim as he remembered those times. They were some of his first assassinations. After he had killed three brigand leaders, Gerard had noticed he wasn't feeling well after, no matter how hard Salvador had tried to hide it. So Gerard had taken it upon himself to take twenty men and ride into the last few brigand nests, slaughtering all who dared oppose him. He killed the rest of the brigand leaders and caused all of the brigand bands to collapse.

The rest of supper was pleasant. They chatted about perhaps the most random things in the world, but for some reason, it felt like they were the best things to talk about.

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