Chapter 31 Pt III

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Gerard shouldered his way to one of the chokepoints set up by the Veroñan soldiers. This group raised a standard that signified a high-ranking officer was present.

"Who goes there!" a gruff voice called, with a tint of femininity.

"Sir Gerard Elwyn, the Freelancer Knight of Veroña!" he answered in kind.

"Well, strike me stupid! Gerry?" A large female decked in plate and mail armor lifted the visor on her bascinet. On her shoulder rested a large, spiked, two-handed warhammer. Her eyes were the same as his: a warm brown misted over with grey. Her build was the same as his as well. And the sound of her voice reminded him of home―not Veroña, but the small farm of his father.

Gerard smiled warmly. "Hello, sister."

The Dame Stéphane Elwyn charged Gerard and wrapped him in a massive bear hug. "Gerry!" she boomed.

Gerard laughed and returned the hug fiercely. When they parted, he rested his hands on her shoulders and patted her. "I thought you were still fighting in the colonies of Soyove Royne!"

His sister grinned. "I returned only a month or so ago. My contract ended and the Duchess recalled us. We arrived in Fiorá to find that the entire duchy had been roused and the Duchess had called back already a dozen free companies, give or take." Her grin slowly began to fade. "The Duke Consort sent us to aid you and then immediately left to lead a host to Luxuano."

Gerard frowned. "What's happening on Luxuano?"

"Just before I left Bethebleu, a message came from Sersalvon. The king is dead."

Gerard's eyes widened. "And the Duchess has raised a host?"

Stéphane nodded.

Gerard felt a little dizzy. "She's making a play... for the throne?"

Stéphane shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. Marcel's company was called back. I managed to speak with him briefly before we parted ways. He said that he was heading for Navitium."

Gerard tried to wrap his head around the information and tried to piece together what was happening on the main island of Sersalvon. Eventually, he gave up and simply pushed the thought aside, for later.

"Well... now we must defend against the Réaltimarine invaders," Gerard said.

"We're still waiting for Salvador, eh?"

Gerard nodded.

Stéphane grinned once more. "Let the bastards come!"

The soldiers cheered. But their cheers were soon cut short and quickly changed into cries of alarm as the Réaltimarines were spotted."

Stéphane shook her head vigorously, as if in an attempt to clear her head. "Let's go."

They went to a position where they could better survey the site. The Réaltimarine knights had gathered in front of every choke point, preparing to charge.

Stéphane gripped her warhammer fiercely. "My blood sings for battle."

Gerard blinked. His sister was the opposite of him in just about every single way. He allowed himself a smile and tenderly handled his greatsword.

The Réaltimarines charged.

"Hold the line!" an officer shouted.

When the knights collided with the mercenaries, the battle became a mess of screaming men, horses, and blood. The mercenaries barely managed to absorb the charge.

"They're pushing heavy in the center," Gerard noticed.

Stéphane snorted. "They're pushing heavy everywhere."

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