Chapter 23

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After the ambush, the Navíste knights interrogated the captured mercenaries and found out that they were from the Company of the Hook and had been hired by Count Jovan Galamez, the Lord of Salancia. Their intent had been to kill the Royal Family. The king was in a grave condition, and instead of going all the way to Navitium, they decided to head to Lux Aestius, the summer home of the Royal Family and territory of the Crown Prince. The palace was only a days march away.

Angelica's participation in the battle against the Company of the Hook seemed to have sprung up gossip around her. Her sister told her that the knights were calling her the Thorn of Florjes. It wasn't too bad. After the battle, when Angelica reentered her carriage, she had mused, "Prince Jacquez fought fiercely to defend the king and queen."

Myeria snorted. "More like just the queen."

Angelica glanced at her in surprise. "Why so?"

Myeria sighed in frustration. "You seem to know nothing, Angelica! The queen had an affair with Prince Jacquez before she married King Gallo."

Angelica was in shock. "Is it true?" she asked her mother.

The duchess gave a wan smile. "The queen did indeed court both the king and Prince Jacquez before her betrothal was made final. She was quite. . . active when she was younger. I remember her when I visited Navitium before the kingdom fractured. She was willful and free, going through relationships like King Gallo through his drinks." Myeria and Angelica's mirthful laughter filled the carriage. Their mother continued: "Anyhow, the notion that Prince Jacquez and the queen got intimate is not considered at all. For a short time, it was investigated by the Lord Constable, Basile Laurent before the Royal Family shut down the investigation."

Angelica considered this information. "Do you think it's possible the queen is having an affair with Prince Jacquez right now?"

Lilliana snorted. "Why it's almost certain that they are."

When they reached the palace, Angelica was stunned. The palace dwarfed la'Manse delle Simia. The palace was a beautiful marble white accented with gold. Seven pillars lined the front, each dedicated to one of the Angels of the Holy Virtues. The two-story palace stretched out to both sides, perfectly symmetrical. A central spire shot up from the palace and heralded a statue of the Angel King. The procession stopped and they all left their carriages and passed through the gates of Lux Aestius. The courtyard was massive and lined with frangipani trees. The stones were arranged, shaded, and shaped in such ways that they depicted the crowning of the First King of Sersalvon.

"Welcome," Crown Prince Francisco announced, "to my home! Just a step up from Benedict's little place, I would presume?" His jape only provoked a small amount of nervous laughter. The mood was too grim for jests and japes. The king was not in a stable condition and his chances of survival were looking slimmer and slimmer. The thought of Francisco ascending to the throne was not a comforting one.

As soon as the highborns settled in their rooms, a message was sent to the Lord Contable to make for Lux Aestius. Francisco had also called for Arch-Cardinal Stellas to make for the palace. The Crown Prince seemed to have assumed his father would not survive and was preparing for a quick coronation. It seemed most of the highborns had accepted that Gallo would die as well, for they began deferring to the Crown Prince with even more respect than before.

With little else to do, Angelica decided to accompany her sister to the lounge hall where gossip was the currency. She had decided that she would simply listen and not speak besides asking a question here and there.

Twenty minutes in and she was very much regretting her position.

Everyone was talking about the Crown Prince. Francisco this; Francisco that; Francisco once did this; Francisco once did that; Francisco fought very bravely against the Company of the Hook.

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