Chapter 18

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When her mother broke the news to her, Angelica only felt shock.

"We shall be accompanying the king back to Navitium. There you shall be introduced to the Royal Court of Sersalvon," Duchess Lilliana Florjes announced to her children.

They were in the lounge room of the castle. They were multiple couches where people from the royal process and those who had already been at la'Manse before mingled together. There was flowing and even food on some of the tables although lunch had been well over two hours ago. Sersalvonians loved to eat.

"All of us?" Myeria asked, shock clearly evident in her voice.

Their mother smiled. "Inejgo and Carlos shall return to Fiorá with their father."

"Oh, come on!" Inejgo protested. "Why do the girls get to visit the capital whilst we remain home?"

"Enough complaining, Inejgo," their mother said. "I have my reasons for the girls to accompany me, and they are no concern of yours."

Inejgo muttered under his breath, "Fine."

"Now leave, I wish to talk to the girls alone." Carlos and Inejgo quickly hurried away and began to converse with other boys their age.

The duchess turned to the them, Myeria and Angelica. Myeria remained silent, obedient as ever. Angelica, however, dared ask, "Why are we going to the capital?" As far as Angelica knew, the supposed capital of Sersalvon was just a large city that had lost all importance during the reign of King Gallo.

Their mother just smiled. "It is in the capital where we shall find a handhold on the cliffside in the coming avalanche." She smoothed out her skirt and gave a sigh before saying, "Nonetheless, you two have never truly been to a true court. You may be overwhelmed by the court in Navitium. Even though the king has lost most support in the kingdom, he still retains the largest court in the kingdom by far." She gaze hardened as she looked back and forth between Angelica and her sister. "The royal court is a dangerous place, my daughters. You must always be alert and not fall prey to the constant stream of rumors. Especially those that can land you in hot water."

Myeria's eyes brightened at the mention of gossip and rumors. "Oh, Mother! I heard this one rumor―"

"Keep your voice down!" Lilliana hissed. "And I don't have time for rumors, Myeria."

Angelica rolled her eyes and gave a little smirk. Oh, big sister.

"Oh, but Mother please!" Myeria pleaded.

Their mother gave an exasperated sigh. "By the Angel King. . . fine, what is it Myeria? But keep your tone to a low."

Myeria smiled in triumph and leaned forward, her voice but a whisper. "I heard some girls from the Navitium talking about Prince Jacquez and the Queen."

The duchess's eyes sharpened, but she kept her voice level. "Oh? And what did they say."

"They were talking about how the queen spent more time with Prince Jacquez than with the king. They said it had been happening for some years now after the monarchs had a fight. They spend as little time around each other as possible but the Church won't allow them to divorce."

When their mother spoke again, her voice was soft but there was warning evident in it. "You should not pay heed to such things, Myeria."

"What? Why?"

"If someone loyal to the king hears you, I will have difficulty saving you from any punishment they level upon you. And the punishment they choose will most likely break you. Mentally and physically."

Myeria swallowed in fear and clamped her mouth shut. Angelica however felt a tingle of curiosity in the back of her mind. Perhaps it was just her girly gossip instincts wanting more information. But she had noticed how the queen ultimately stuck by Jacquez's side and largely avoided Gallo.

"Now run along." Lilliana made a shooing motion. Go mingle with the others and stay out of trouble with the Royal Family.

"Yes, Mother," the two sisters said in synchronization. Myeria immediately ran off to gossip with her friends. Angelica just sort of wandered around the lounge room aimlessly and found herself walking out into the courtyard of la'Manse. Her legs took her to the garden of la'Manse; it was a beautiful place full of exotic flowers and other plant species. So many colors bloomed there: red, turquoise, white, purple, and many more.

She also found Benedict there, staring at a vase containing a laceleaf flower. His hands slowly caressed the petals and a smile grew on his face. He seemed so. . . peaceful.

Then he noticed her.

His hands immediately fell to his sides and his face flushed a deep red. "I-I'm sorry. I'll leave you be." He attempted to leave but Angelica grabbed his arm and prevented him from leaving.

Benedict looked at her hand on his arm in surprise. Stronger grip than you expected? She thought.

"It's all right," Angelica said in a soothing voice. "I was the one intruding upon you." She released his arm from her grip.

Benedict's hands went behind his back. His face remained focused on the ground and he began to shuffle his feet.

I can't believe he's a prince.

"It's okay," he mumbled. "I was about to leave anyway. . ." He noticed Angelica's raised eyebrow and his face flushed an even deeper red. This time, when he began to leave, Angelica did not stop him. But before he left the garden, she asked him a question:

"What's wrong, Benedict?"

The prince stopped but did not turn around. "What do you mean?"

"You've been so reserved ever since your family arrived. You've hardly spoken and you've hardly been seen around la'Manse. You were always quiet. . . but at least you seemed to have some confidence."

Benedict said nothing for a long time. A very long time. Angelica could hear how his breathing seemed to tremble and she noticed how his shoulders slumped even more than before.

When he finally did answer, it was in a whisper that Angelica had to strain to hear. "I. . . I thought I had everything under control. And then they came. My family, I mean." Angelica walked closer to Benedict as he took a deep breath before saying, "I thought I had done something good when I defeated the rebels. My father. . . he does not see it the same way that I do. My brother thinks of me as a runt who is trying to play the big dog. My mother. . . she's the only one who gives me any sort of comfort. My uncle is as grim and brooding as ever.

"Sersalvon was once a kingdom, Angelica. It died during my father's reign. When you look at a map, it still shows Sersalvon as one kingdom; however, I feel as if I could see the lines that divide the individual duchies slowly begin to form."

Angelica was shocked at the fervor that began to creep into Benedict's voice.

The prince's eyes narrowed in anger. "They care not for this kingdom, my family. All they care about are parties, balls, banquets, and themselves. The kingdom has fractured right in front of their eyes and they did nothing!

"'Like father like son,' the saying goes. But I will not be my father. I will be the exact opposite. I will be the bond that brings this kingdom together. I will be the man this kingdom needs!"

Angelica saw tears in Benedict's eyes. The shy prince turned away, the moment of fervor having fled. "Will you help me?" he whispered.

Angelica was shocked. "W-what?"

"I know you're going to Navitium with us. Your mother has made it no secret. Maybe. . . maybe when we get there, we can forge this kingdom anew together."

What should she tell him? That she wished the crown would stay out of her life? That she held no respect for the Serpent Throne? That Navitium could burn for all she cared?

She couldn't say any of those things. So she said nothing.

Her silence was answer enough. Benedict slowly walked away from the garden, his sea-green cape blowing gently in the slight breeze.

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