Chapter 24

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Benedict opened the door of the servant's quarters. For the fifteen hundredth time, he wondered why he was doing Angelica this favor. What could she possibly find on his brother that would taint his reputation so fiercely that would deny him the throne. And what would his mother's servants have to do with it?

He had gotten the direction of the midwife chambers and he knocked on the door. When one of the midwives opened the door, she almost fainted at the sight of him. "Your Highness!" she whisper-screamed.

Benedict sighed. "That's what they call me." Before she could resume her squealing, he rushed to say, "I have a question for you."

The midwife gulped.

Benedict rolled his eyes. "Do you know of the midwife―I'm afraid I don't know her name―who delivered my brother, Crown Prince Francisco?"

Benedict noticed the fear and suspicion that shone in her eyes. "Do not fear," he assured her quickly. "I mean no harm to you."

"Beggin yer pardon, Your Highness. But why do you wish to know?"

"Why do you hesitate to speak, midwife? Know this: from now on, you shall be officially under the protection of Prince Benedict, Second in Line to the Serpent Throne."

The midwife's eyes widened. "Come in, Your Highness."

Benedict cautiously stepped into the room. "Forgive me, lady, but please hurry in your explanation. I do not have time for charades."

"No charades, milord," the midwife assured. "Over there at that bunk was where Ioana slept. She would be the midwife who delivered the Crown Prince."

Benedict almost rolled his eyes. I don't have time for dramatics.

"After she delivered the prince, she disappeared along with all the other servants who were her friends," the midwife continued.

Benedict raised his eyebrow. "And how do you know this then."

"Forgive me, Your Highness, but new does spread fast 'round 'ere. And rumors can stick."

Why would the queen want her gone? Benedict pondered.

"I'm not sure, Your Highness but. . ."

Benedict realized he must've said his thoughts out loud. "What is it?" he urged the midwife.

He could see that the midwife was uncomfortable. "Please, Your Highness. . ."

Benedict's patience had worn thin. As he spoke, his voice began to rise. "Tell me, woman! You're talking about the Queen of Sersalvon to her son the prince. Please, just tell me!"

The midwife began to tremble in fear. "Forgive me, meh prince! It's just. . . they say it's because they were uncertain."

"Uncertain about what?"

The midwife was terrified now. Though whether it was that she was scared of him or what she was about to say. . . Benedict would find his answer soon enough.

"My prince, some of the midwife's whispered that it was uncertain whether King Gallo was truly the father."


When Benedict came back, he told Angelica the name of the midwife―Iona it was―who delivered Francisco and stormed off. Not wasting any time, she set to work.

Prince Francisco had been born in Sixthmonth, during the summer. This meant that Iona was most likely from one of the villages in the territory of Lux Aestius. The Seneschal of Lux Aestius, who kept records of all the palace staff, would most likely know where the midwife was from. She did some research on him and decided to meet with him. Just as she was loading her purse with silver in her room, she heard a knock at the door. Impatiently, she rushed and opened the door with a sour look on her face only to be greeted by the cold calm expression that her mother always wore.

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