♠♠♠Music in my ears♠♠♠

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♥♥♥Rika's POV♥♥♥

Self introduction should be first right? but it seemed liked the Prof wants it to be last. Gee.. I want to go home and snuggle my wonderful duvet that is making me comfortable at night. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when the Prof called him.

"Your turn Mr. Blair." Prof said politely. 

"I think you already know me. So, no need for introductions." Colton shrugged. Well, Mr. Bad Boy, I still don't know you so can you please introduce yourself so I can get to know you? I said to myself. Good thing I didn't said it out loud.

I start to wonder again. Does this guy have any friends? I doubt it, with his attitude no one can stand him.

"I see, So next is Miss Perez? Tell us more about you then." Prof called after me. 

"Uh. I do piano.. uhh... yeah I do piano.. I know piano's are for nerds and pianist and for talented people but you know, I can be talented sometimes and dance like a maniac, and.. Oh! Have you watched any Circus? Try it! You might see me performing, juggling and laughing and .. and... Yeah. I'll stop rambling like right now. Right this very minute and this millisecond... so yeah.."  I immediately took my sit. 

I heard someone chuckle. I'm pretty sure you know him. I looked at that certain person and glare then rolled my eyes. 

"Okaaay.. That is an interesting speech, Miss Perez. Ok then. Class I request for you to study the class syllabus. Class dismissed. “Many of the students started to gathered their stuff and left. 

I have calmed down and now shoving my stuff to my red satchel bag. I stood up, and was about to leave the room when someone grabbed my arm, which made me stumble a bit. 

I glared at the person and noticed how cute he was. He was wearing a red beanie. He has a band aid on his left side of his eyebrows. I tell you, It is cute. Like those guys who looked badass but at the same time cute. And also he looked like Japanese to me. 

"Lena-chan! I want to hear you play the piano! Pluh-lease?" and now he speak, people. And he even gave me a name. 

"Uh.. Do I know you?" I rudely asked. Oh crap, I'm absorbing bad vibes that is making me rude. Point to that certain someone that gave me a great welcome to this school. Note the sarcasm.

"Oh! Yeah! How rude of me anyways, I'm Shin. Shin Tatsuma Hyuu. And I know my name is weird because I came from Japan. I'm half Japanese and half Filipino. and--" 

"O-okay.. You're Shin." I said, confirming. 

"I just said I'm Shin."

"Yeah and I told you, you're Shin."

"Yeah.. I'm Shin."

Silence began, until Shin has gone insane, laughing like there's no tomorrow. I was like a statue, looking like an idiot. 

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