Ending The Beginning

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Dedicated to Tadijames

Blossom's POV

"How was your first day?" my mother asked as I walked into the kitchen and found her cooking at the stove.

"It was fine," I answered.

"You made any friends?"

"Yes. With two girls and...." I paused when I remembered her warning me to stay away from boys.

"And?" she asked.

"And they're super nice."

"What are you their names?"

"Sophia and Nina."

"Okay. I'm happy you're already adjusting here. I'll be starting the new job tomorrow so when you get home from school, I wouldn't be here. Lock all the doors and windows and don't open for anyone but me.

Do you understand me, Blossom?"

"Yes mama," I answered.

"Good. The food is almost ready. Get freshen up."



The very next day at school, I ran into Nina and Sophia in the hallway. We walked together to our locker.

"Guys, I got this new lipgloss. You need to try it," Nina said. They rushed into the bathroom and I followed suit.

I watched as they applied lipgloss to their lips.

"Blossom, try it," Nina said.

"Umm.. okay," I said and Nina help me put some on.

"Well we'll well, they're trying to beautify the African Baboon," a voice said, followed by laughter.

We turned and saw Brooke and her clique, folded arms and in their cheer leading uniforms, standing at the door way.

"Isn't that exciting?" Brooke said again, making steps towards us. She reached up to me and watched me from head to toe then toe to head.

"I don't know if I should just bash your face in or feel sorry for you because you don't have enough common sense to figure out where the lines are drawn around here.

You're new so I'll let this one slide but let me make something clear to you, Jevan Hollen belongs to me. He'll always belong to me so you better watch yourself!"

And with that, she left. Her friends made signs with their fingers slicing at their throats and pointing it at me before following her out.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I said and ran into the toilet.


"Bloss. Are you okay?" Nina and Sophia called. I walked out the stall and cleaned myself off.

"How am I to stay away from him when I'm his partner for the baby project?" I asked my friends.

"Maybe have Mrs. Smith give you a new partner. Let someone else team up with Jevan. We did warned you about him. Brooke is crazy. She wouldn't hesitate to beat you silly if she catches you with him again," Nina said.

"Okay Nina, that's enough. You're only scaring her more."

"I'm sorry."

"Guys, let's just go to class."


When it was time for Mrs. Smith class, I went quickly before anyone else could enter the classroom.

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