Happy Ever After Does Exist

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Blossom's POV

My heart was racing fifty miles per hour. I was sweating and shivering as if I was having a fever over one hundred.

"What say you?" the Judge questioned.

This was it. In a court system, it's never wise to become cocky or overly confident. These things have a way of surprising the shit out of you no matter how well you presented the case.

"We, the jury, finds Hunter Sax guilty on attempted murder."

Everyone exhaled on cue and I found Jevan and pulled him in for a quick hug.

"Very well. Sentencing would be handed down at the next hearing in eight days. Court adjourned."


Hunter received life imprisonment without the possibility of parole so did his father for being an accessory and covering up the murder of Hunter's ex-fiancee. Two weeks later, they found Hunter's body hanging from a bed sheet in his cell.

Talks were circulating that he committed suicide. Others said his ex-fiancée's cousin was in the same population and he wanted revenge for her. And others speculated that it was The Hollens whom used their connections to have him killed behind bars. I didn't care to find out the truth on what happened. May he rest in hell.

*Three Years Later*

"Dahlia, where are you?" I called, looking into my daughter's room. I heard giggles underneath the bed. She and I were playing a game of hide and seek and I pretended to do a terrible job at finding her.

"I'm here, mommy," she said and crawled into the opening.

"Ah. You been underneath there this whole time?"

"Yes. I'm an expert," she said with a bright smile.

I picked her up and pretended to be the tickle tummy monster. She squealed and Jevan knocked and entered.

"Hey, you two."

"Hi baby," I answered.

"Hey, daddy," Dahlia replied.

"So guess what I did? We have never had a Hollen Day Vacation with everyone. And I do mean everyone. So I decided to get everyone on board, including your best friends Nina and Sophia, and we're going to have some fun in Santorini, Greece."

"Grease? Like what mommy rubs my skin with sometimes?" Dahlia asked and we couldn't help but laugh.

"No baby. Greece is a country."

"Oh. Like America and Canada?"

"Yes. Like America and Canada. Jevan, when are we leaving?"

"Flight is in a few hours?"



"But we didn't plan this."

"That's the fun of it."


After a quick packing for the kids and myself and Jevan, we were sitting in one of the new jets. This one was bigger and more spacious than the others.

I watched as the family members boarded and sat around.

"Man, I haven't been on a vacation in so long," Jada said and let down her ponytail hair.

"And believe it or not, aunt Emily, King Sebastian and their children will be meeting us there," Jevan added.

"How did you manage to pull Emily and her family away from their kingdom?" Grandma asked.

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