Let's Party

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Blossom's POV

I loath walking into the house but I had to whether it was today or tomorrow or next year.

I had to face her.

It was 5:45 in the P.M when I walked through the door. Brooke was still sitting on the couch, wiping her eyes with a tissue, my mother stood next to her.

Her eyes traveled to me as I entered and closed the door behind me.

"Good evening, ma."

"I want the truth and I want it now!" she immediately started. Although I was expecting this, I was still startled by her tone. It was something I've never gotten use to because I hated yelling.

Brooke took it upon herself to leave right afterwards.
If looks could have killed, she'll be dead walking out that door.

"You were with that boy, weren't you!?" my mother yelled again.

"And so what if I was?" I sassed.

"I specifically told you to stay away from him and you deliberately disobey me! What do I have to do to get through to you, huh?"

"How about you accept us? How about you stop comparing your past life to my present and future?"

"Blossom, I'm protecting you as a mother should!"

"You're protecting me from what? What have Jevan ever done to you! You're only doing this to keep your damn job as Brooke's maid!"

She was astounded by my revelation but I couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.

"Aren't you?" I finished.

She pressed her lips together and exhaled heavily. "I don't want you to end up like me."

"I'm not you. Mama, I love you with all my heart. You're my rock. My bestie."

She smiled at the word 'bestie'.

"But I need you to please cut me some slack here and accept the fact that I'm in love with Jevan Hollen. He's a really great guy once you get to actually know him. He's passionate, he's caring, he's protecting. He's everything. I'm so glad I have him in my life. Please don't take that away from me. Please," I begged.

"You're right. Brooke was here to inform me about you and Jevan. She said she saw you getting into his car."

"I'm sorry I lied to you. It's just that I wanted to spend time with Jevan and I know you'll go ape shit if I was honest up front," I explained and apologized.

"Oh, I would have."

"But why was Brooke crying?" I asked.

"She's still in love with Jevan but he doesn't want to be with her because he's with you."

"She's pathetic mom. Just recently, she was kissing a guy from college in the hallway in our school. She lied to the police about Jevan putting his hands on her. She's nothing but a liar and a jealous ex-girlfriend."

"I understand that but you need to be very careful with her. Her folks are some powerful people and I don't wish to see them angry. That's why I was so quick to have you stay away from Jevan when I noticed he was the same person in Brooke's photo on her night stand."

I couldn't believe Brooke. She had the audacity to going to my own mother over this. It was her own fault Jevan didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

*Two Weeks Later*

It was finally the end of the first term of the year and I was so eager to see my grades that my little butt couldn't settle in the chair.

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