Meeting Jason

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This chapter is dedicated to jvd1989
*Thank you for reading and making me laugh with you humorous comments*

Blossom's POV

My disappointment was real. Watching Jevan accept his girlfriend's proposal painted a clear picture.

He wasn't mine anymore.

After informing Mr. Collinwood that the new business have been approved by Jevan and he was on-board, it was time to return home to my son.

Jevan and Adobi added an extra week to their stay in France to celebrate. Therefore, I was all by myself in the jet ride to Los Angeles.


"Mommy! You're home!" my darling son called as I walked through the entrance to my apartment. His babysitter was accompanying him. After thanking her, she left.

"How's my little man?" I dropped to his level and scooped him up and ran pecks of kisses all over his face. I missed my little boy so much. I couldn't imagine life without him.

We got settled in and I took a shower before getting Jason and myself ready for bed.


*One Week Later*

It was almost the middle of the month and I was already running low on food stuff. With a rent that sucked half of my monthly salary, I was basically rationing the remainder between food supplies and Jason's needs.

The past months were tough. Mr. Collinwood's business was dying so he had to make budget cuts from everyone. I was only grateful that I still had a job.


It was after work when I picked Jason up from school and decided to go to the supermarket.

Jason's favorite thing to do was to push the shopping cart that stood two inches taller than him. He was always knocking things over or running into the back of someone so I always had to apologize and take the cart away.

"Mommy! I want this!" he called when we walked into the aisle that was loaded with cereals.

"You got it," I told him.

We got to the cash register thirty minutes later. I knew I had a strict budget of one hundred and twenty dollars.

"Your total is one fifty five," the cashier said.

"Shit," I cussed.

"You said a naughty word," Jason scold.

"I'm sorry baby. Mommy's just a little short on money." I searched the groceries for which items to leave behind as embarrassment flooded my emotions. People were staring and some were even laughing.

"Pardon me for not seeing the humor in this," someone snapped at the laughing clowns.

I turned and saw Hunter was cutting the line to get to me.

"Excuse me, miss, I'll love to pay for this lovely woman's groceries. Can you please take it out on this card? Here's a fifty dollar tip for your cooperation," Hunter told the cashier who winked at me, took the card and bagged my groceries.

"So, you shop here?" I asked when we walked to the parking lot.

"Not exactly but I glad I did today. You didn't give me your number in Paris."

"Aw. And thank you so much for what you did back there."

"Hey, don't mention it. Is this your little boy?"

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