What Are Friends For

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Blossom's POV

"Jason, put that back. You can't have that toy today. It's too expensive."

I watched as he placed the Power Ranger figure back on the counter with a sad expression lingering on his face.

I scanned my purse, counting a few loose change just to make sure I had enough money to get him a different toy.

"Baby, you can have the stuff teddybear," I said, hoping he'll smile.

"I already got a stuff teddybear. I want the Power Ranger. It's the advance one. It moves, lights up and talks," he responded.

"Jason, it's one hundred and fifty dollars," I told him in a low tone. The Power Ranger was almost as tall as Jason and it was red. Red was his favorite color.

"Okay mommy, I understand."

I held his hand as we exited the mall. I was feeling like a bad parent. I couldn't afford a toy my child wanted because I was budgeting my last paycheck Mr. Collinwood handed me after he told me I was fired.

Jason and I headed for the bus stop.

"Blossom? Blossom Wright, is that you?" a young lady asked from her BMW as it came to a halt. She removed her sunglasses and I couldn't believe my eyes.


"Get in! Get in! I'll take you wherever you wanna go," she invited.

"Of course," I beamed. I ushered Jason into the back seat, secured him with the seatbelt and closed the door. Then I got in the front passenger seat.


"It's been ages! I thought I was never going to see you again. How are you doing?" Nina asked as she drove on.

"I'm going just great. I really can't complain," I lied and I knew Nina caught wind of that. She quickly glance at me then returned her attention to the road ahead.

I directed her to my apartment and invited her in for catching up sake.

"Is that your son?" she asked. She watched as Jason colored in his coloring book on the table across from us.

"He is. That's Jason."

"He's so handsome. Where's his father, if you don't mind me asking."

"That ship sailed a long time ago."

"Oh, you mean Jevan isn't the father? Because Jason's eyes and his face reminds me of Jevan," she said as she observed.

Jason wasn't wearing his usual sunglasses or colored contact lenses. I was grateful we didn't run into Jevan instead.

"Look, Nina, things aren't like they were back in high school. Jevan changed. I changed."

"Does he know, about Jason?"

"Yes. He met Jason."

"But does he know it's his kid?"

I shook my head no. Nina was not pleased.

"Blossom, why the hell would you pretend he's not the father?"

"Because I can support my child on my own. I don't need Jevan to waltz in and save the day. Besides, he got a fiancee and he's planning his wedding."

"Oh, so you're mad at Jevan because he moved on so you figured you'll deprive him of his own son. Girl, are you crazy? You can't hide something like this from Jevan. He has a right to know and wait until Jason starts asking about his father."

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