Dare The Dream

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Blossom's POV

"Burning?" I repeated while I quickly reached for the TV's remote and searched for the breaking news.

'A mass evacuation is underway as locals flee from their homes because of the current situation. Eight wildfires are burning California currently. Sonoma's wine country to L.A and surrounding areas. Get out if you haven't already."

"Holy...." Jevan said when images of the fires showed on the screen. It looked like Hell. Jevan started making some calls and after minutes of watching him paced the bedroom and ordering commands, he turned his attention back to me.

"Baby, listen to me. I need you to get yourself and the kids to New York with my parents."

"What? What about you?"

"I'm going back to L. A. There's something I need at Hollen Tower and at the mansion. I promise I'll meet up with you in New York. Okay, baby?"

"Okay, but.."

"No buts. Let's get going."


We packed up our belongings, ending our honeymoon short. From the Maldives, we headed to a private Airstrip in Los Angeles where The Hollens had their jets ready.

The air was contaminated with smoke and ashes. It was like as if a volcano was erupting in the distance.

"Jevan, please be swift," Evan said to his son.

"I will, dad. I'll see you all soon," he responded. He walked over to me and kissed me passionately. Then he hugged our kids and got into his father's Porsche and drove away.


Jasmine led me into the aircraft with the children. We took our seats and became unsettled. The seats were very comfortable but a feeling of dread rode around in my stomach and I became light headed.

"You should rest. You're exhausted. Emma and I can take care of the children. You should go into the cabin. By the time you're awake, we'll be in New York," Jasmine kindly offered.

"Thank you," I answered. I got up and went to sleep in the cabin.


Jevan's POV

I went to Hollen Tower first since it was on the way. I jogged to the vault and took the money I had earned since working after my father.

I put the money in the car and drove home. On the way, I was stopped by several police officers.

"No entry. You should be exiting, Mr. Hollen."

"My apologies. I was out of the country and I just need to grab a few things at the mansion. I swear, ten minutes top."

"Okay. Ten minutes or else we're coming after you."

I chuckled and drove onwards. The sky was dark, ash fell like raindrops and the smoke was troubling.

I arrived home. The guards were already gone and I hoped they were safe with their families.

I went into my bedroom I shared with my wife. It was already lonely without her and the kids' presence. I collected the irreplaceable pictures of us.

The ones my parents took at the park with Jason and me when I first found out he was my son. The ones with our new born daughter in her nursery at her first day home. Blossom was rocking her in the rocking chair next to the crib.

I smiled, stuffed them into a bag and turned on my heel to leave when a punch hit me straight in the jaw. I stumbled backwards before I regained my balance.

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