Night Flight To France

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Blossom's POV

After the intense meeting, I went home and did a light packing that consisted of a few clothing, two pairs of shoes and my traveling documents.

At 3:00 P.M, my son was home from school.

"Mommy, where are you going?"

"Mommy's going on a little trip."

"Can I come?"

"No baby. I'll be back soon. In the meantime, my boss is going to take you to his home and hire a babysitter for you until I get back. Okay?"

"Okay, mommy."

"I'll miss you so much." I envelope him into a hug a planted kisses all over his handsome face, "Be a good boy while I'm gone."

"I promise to be good."

I made a list of all the parental rules I carry out on my son so that the babysitter would have a guideline.

Dear babysitter,

-Bedtime at 8:30 PM sharp.

-Light breakfast with a fruit (Example: Cereal and strawberry)

-Television Time: 2-3 hours

-Supervised while doing homework and while taking his bath for Jason is easily distracted.

-In case of any emergency whatsoever, report to Mr. Collinwood and he'll report to me.

-Jason has no allergies to peanut but he hates peanut butter. Kindly refrain from giving it to him. Jelly or Jam is okay.

* Sincerely, Jason's mom.

Later on in the evening, Mr. Collinwood came over to get Jason and me. He dropped me off at Hollen Tower where I'll be meeting Jevan before taking Jason to his house.

"You're right on time. This way to my car," Jevan said as he saw me waiting in the parking lot.

I followed two steps behind him. The car doors automatically opened when he tapped his cellphone screen. I got in quietly and he got behind the wheel.

He drove us to the air-strip that held his private jet. It was silly of me to think that I would be on a commercial flight and had to go through airport security.

I ascended the jet and walked into the cabin.

I was speechless

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I was speechless. It was magnificent and luxurious.

"Have a seat."

I immediately sat down like an obedient puppy.

"Pleasant Good Evening Mr. Hollen and company. This is your pilot speaking. Please prepare for take-off in five minutes."

I fastened my seatbelt when a hostess greeted us. "Good evening Sir and guest, I was already informed you'll have a champagne. I had it chilled and available on the table in front of you."

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