Anger Written In Red

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This chapter is dedicated to MayQueen88 and Aimhigh201
*Thank you for reading and being excited for my updates*

Blossom's POV

"Room Service," a voice called. Jevan stirred in the sheets before he got up and went to the door. He came back, pushing a food cart towards the bedroom.

I sat up eagerly. I was hungry.

"Allow me to serve you," he spoke with a smile as he handed me a plate of sweet potato pie and chicken on a bed of greens.

"Oh my, this is better than I've anticipated," I said and continued to stuff my face.

"Just wait until dessert."

After the main-course meal, Jevan fed dessert to me. Ice-cream with chocolate coated strawberries on top, and when we were down to the last strawberry, he bit the bottom of it and moved towards my lips.

I acted accordingly, biting and eating the other half until our bare lips met. His grey pair of eyes, along with his handsome face, was marveling at me. His soft lips sealed mine and the tip of his tongue led to the entrance I allowed.

My heart raced. The butterflies had transformed into an eagle because the now feeling was bolder and braver at the same time.

I pulled him closer and our bodies went to the mattress. I melted more with every flick of his tongue on mine. My small chest heaved in and out when my breathing increased.

I shivered when his hands started roaming my body. Inch by inch, to my sensitive spots. My toes curled when he left my mouth and latched onto my neck, kissing and sucking.

I couldn't help myself but to moan which drove him into deeper actions.

Am I ready for this?

Is this a good time?

Will he get mad if I tell him that we should stop? No, he wouldn't. He's not like that.

But I don't wanna stop him. He's my boyfriend. We made it official. There's nothing to be afraid of. Right?

He stopped kissing me and looked me dead in the eyes as if sensing my confusions.

"You're questioning yourself, aren't you?" he asked.

O. M. G. How did he know that?

"I was. But not anymore," I answered.

"I know you're not ready, Blossom, and that's okay. I enjoy kissing you."

"Are you angry?"

"What? No. Baby, I want you to be ready for this at your own time. I'll never force you to do anything you don't want to do or not ready to do."

"But you might get impatient with me and leave me for someone else."

"I'm not going to do that. Look at me."

I looked at him.

"I love you," he said.

My heart raced even more. Jevan Hollen just said he loves me. Little, poor, simple me.

"I love you too," I responded to him and we hugged each other.


We spent the remainder of the day in the swimming pool and watching anime.

Jevan made me feel as if we were the only two people in the world and when I'm with him, I felt like I belonged instead of outcast.

I loved everything about him. His personality, his voice, his manners, the way he'll put anyone in check real quick without being totally disrespectful, his sweet manly fragrance, and his darling grey eyes that I admire so much.

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