The Recovery

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Jevan's POV

"Jevan! This is the third time you've left for the hospital and she still hasn't woken up so why are you even bothering to go?" Adobi nagged as I reached for the keys to my BMW.

"Adobi, what example would I be setting for my son if I'm not there at his mom's side?" I asked with sigh.

"She's not your responsibility!" she raised her voice.

"But I have a responsibility to show to my child. His mom is in a hospital bed."

"And you have a responsibility to show to me. You're my fiance, not hers!"

"Lower your voice when you talk to me. My son is upstairs," I cautioned.

Adobi went red in the face. I never knew she could have went red in the face like that. She started pacing the room back and forth.

"Jevan, if you walk out that door, we're over."

I couldn't stop the laughter from escaping my mouth. She can't be serious.

"Adobi, if it were you, I'd be there just the same so please stop with the insecurities."

"Then I'm coming too. I'll get Jason and we're all going together... as a FAMILY!"

I didn't object to her accompanying me and Jason there. She didn't utter one word the entire time.


"She looks dead," Adobi insensitively said as we walked into Blossom's hospital room.

"Is mommy going to die?" Jason asked me, clinging to my legs as tears filled his eyes.

"No. Your mom is going to wake up soon. She's just exhausted and needs to rest for now. Okay buddy?"

"Okay daddy," he responded. I picked him up and rubbed him back gently.

"Don't sugarcoat things to him Jevan. Because if things do take a turn for the worse, you'll be the one telling him that his mom passed away," Adobi said once again.

My blood was coming to a boil and quickly too but I was trying to remain calm for the sake of my son and my sanity.

"Shut up. My mommy is not going to die," Jason surprisingly snapped at Adobi.

She was shell-shocked and so was I but I was rather damn proud of my son.

"Baby, I didn't say your mommy is going to die. I said she looks dead and she does."

"Just as your face!" Jason snapped again.

"That's rude!" Adobi said to him.

"You're rude first."

"Okay. That's enough. Adobi, I think you should wait in the car," I advised, "You're upsetting Jason and myself."

"But.. But..." she stuttered before she turned on her heel and left.


Jason and I stood by Blossom's motionless side. I wanted him to see his mom. He cried the entire night last night and it pained me too much.

"Mommy, wake up," Jason said, taking her right hand into his tiny ones.

"She'll wake soon," I told him as I rearranged all the flowers my parents and siblings had delivered to Blossom.

My phone buzzed. A very important client of mine was calling. I picked up while Jason continued playing with his mother's hand.

After the call ended, Jason turned to me. "Daddy, mommy said that she's thirsty."

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