Come Back

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Blossom's POV

"Wait, what?" I asked to Evan when he mentioned the words I wasn't ready to hear in this lifetime or the next.

"Jevan is dead. He was shot by Hunter at the mansion."

"No! NOOO!" I screamed. My heart felt as if it was being hijacked. My breathing hitched in my throat as my entire body started to tremble from shock.

Evan took Dahlia from my arms and I succumbed to the floor where I burst into tears and screams of rage and anger and empathy.

Jevan was gone. Taken away from me, his children, his family and friends. The dream I had about Hunter hurting him rocked me to my core as the images flashed before my very eyes.

"What's going on?" Jada asked, coming back into the room.

"Jada, you might want to sit down for this but and get everyone else in here."

As the family gathered, Jasmine broke down into tears. She couldn't take being strong anymore. Evan comforted her but it was like trying to mop up the ocean with a mop and a bucket. No use.

"Evan. He's gone! My child is gone. My son! The first person who called me 'mommy', the first person who made me experience motherhood! My flesh, my blood! He's gone and I'm not going to see him again! He's not going to appear outside the door to our house or call me on the phone when he needs me!" Jasmine cried.

"Huh? What! What's going on, dad, where's Jevan?" Jada asked, fear paving on her face.

"Jada and everyone else," Evan started, tears welled up in his eyes, "I received a phone call from the LAPD. Hunter Sax broke into Jevan's home and shot him. He was pronounced dead after ten minutes arriving to the hospital. It was too late."

After those words, Evan threw his cellphone against the wall where it smashed into pieces.

"Hunt.. Hunter? As in Blossom's ex?" Jada asked. Her eyes darted on me before she tried to attack me with her fist and kicks but stopped short by Jase.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT! YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN TO MY BROTHER BECAUSE YOU WERE WITH THAT PIG! You left him, went back to Jevan and made him killed my brother because of that!" Jada yelled at me.

"Jada! Stop this!" Evan yelled back at her in my defense.

"No! Hell no! I'm not going to stop! My brother is dead! Shot by her ex-boyfriend! It's her fault! Had she not been with Hunter in the first damn place, this wouldn't have happened and Jevan would be here with us right now! Are you happy, Blossom? Huh? What are you doing to tell your son when he wakes up and ask for his father?"

Tears kept flooding my tears. It wasn't stopping.

"DON'T BE CRYING!" Jada said.

"Jada, I know you're upset but Blossom isn't to be blame for the cruel actions of a disgruntled ex-boyfriend. You're angry, I'm angry too but what you're not going to do is lash out at her in a time like this! She's Jevan's wife! She's the mother of his children! She's family! We don't treat family like that so get a hold of yourself before I get a hold of you!" Emma snapped at Jada.

It was the first time I heard her yell at someone. Usually, she was the calm and funny one but due to the circumstances, it was understood.

"I'm sorry," Jada apologized and went to sit on a couch in the far corner of the room.

As Evan helped me off the floor, I looked at The Hollen Family. The men comforted the women and it felt like Jevan was next to me doing the exact same.

A chill wind blew into the room and I thought about the cold love Jevan had for Air Conditioning. It always had to be set to the coldest temperatures when he was in the room.

I thought about the love he had for Jason and the hurt on his face when he found out Dahlia might not be his but it turned out that she was and if that test had proved that she wasn't, I knew he would have loved her like his own daughter.

Blossom, how are you holding up?" a voice asked me.

I looked up and saw Ethan. He sat down next to me with a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know this is hard for you, especially at such a tender age as yourself. But I want you to know that you're family and we'll have your back and help you through this. You're not alone. We'll be there for you, okay?"

"Thank you so much Ethan," I responded.

"You're welcome," he answered and turned his attention back to his wife.

Moments later, Jason walked into the room. After the flight to NY, he was jet lagged. He walked right up to me, rubbing his eyes from the sleep.

"Mommy, where's daddy? Can he get me a juice box please?" he asked.

I fought the tears with an exhale. I picked Jason up and put him seated in my lap and gestured to Evan to come over to him.

"I don't know how to break this to him. He's already asking for his father," I whispered to Evan.

He took Jason and seated him onto his lap. "Hey Jason, how are you?"

"I'm fine. I want daddy though. Where's daddy?" he asked, looking around the room.

"Jason, listen to me. Your father..," Evan's voice broke, "Your father isn't here."

"Can we go get him? He promised to tuck me in bed tonight."

I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my throat.

"Why are you crying, mommy?" Jason asked. He reached out from his grandfather's hold and came to comfort me. With his tiny hands, he wiped my tears away.

"Don't cry mommy. Daddy is just running late. He'll be here soon, right grandpa?"

"Jason, there's something we have to say to you. Your father isn't running late. He's not going to be here again."

"Daddy left us? Why?"

"Your father passed away, sweetheart. He died," I broke out.

"No. No." Jason shook his head rapidly that I thought he was going to severely damage his neck.

Tears ran down his face and he broke into loud sobs that echoed throughout the entire room. Dahlia woke and she started crying too.

Evan took Jason once again and I went to tend to Dahlia.

After the cries from the children subsided, Evan stated he was leaving to go back to LA and Jasmine left with him.


It was late when my head hit the pillow. Although I wasn't alone in the house, I felt alone. Jevan wasn't here with me. He wouldn't be here with me.

"I WANT YOU HERE WITH ME! I WANT YOU HERE WITH ME, JEVAN! oh God, please, I'm begging you, please perform a miracle and bring him back to me! To his kids! To his family! We love him too much. Please don't take him from us. Please! Jevan, come back! COME BACK!!"




You've encourage me to become better and better everytime and it's because of readers like you, I'll keep on putting my best foot forward.

FREAK SHAKE isn't over yet though. I just wanted to make your heart race a bit.

Lemme know if I succeeded! 😂
Love you Belle Gang Gang Gang!!

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