Confessions Of A Bitch

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Blossom's POV

I was enraged. My friends had left and I was busying myself in the kitchen chopping vegetables with the biggest knife I could have find.

If the vegetables could have gotten up and ran away, they would.

Finally, he came home. I heard his footsteps as he got closer and closer to where I was still chopping vegetables.

"Good evening, baby. How are you doing?" he asked and came to kiss me but I moved away without a word.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

I chopped more angrily.

"You're hurting that carrot, baby," he said again and put his bag aside, "I know something is wrong with you, what's wrong? Talk to me."

"Haven't Adobi talked to you enough?" I finally spoke and stopped chopping.


"Don't play stupid with me, Jevan Hollen. Nina and Sophia saw you two at the restaurant together!" I yelled at him.

"Okay. I was there with her but...."

"I can't believe you! I can't believe you would do this to me. You claimed that you loved me and you want to be a real family with our son and all that bullshit and you're out having lunch with your ex!"

"Hold on. You're blowing things out of proposition here, Blossom."

"Oh am I really? Just admit that you want her back."

"I don't want Adobi back. This is crazy."

"Then why give the bitch a new engagement ring, huh? I've been thinking about this ever since my friends left and it makes perfect sense. She popped the question to you in Paris so now you're popping the question to her as a man should."

"Blossom, listen to me."

"No, I'm done listening!" I argued.

With one quick movement of his hand, he took the knife away from me and scooped me up and pinned me over his shoulder. He carried me out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Where's Jason?" he asked me as he set me down on the ten seater.

"In his room," I answered.

"Blossom, I met with Adobi for one reason and one reason only and I didn't put any ring on her finger. Someone else did. She called me and said she had something to tell me which involved you. And she explained that Brooke confessed to setting your mom up with the whole jewelry stealing fiasco."

"WHAT! I knew it. I knew that bitch did that to my mom and me. Jevan, we have to do something," I said as tears filled my eyes.

"We do. I explained it to my father when I went back to the office but he said Adobi's information has no weight because it can be dismissive as 'hear-say'.  We need a confession from Brooke herself."

"I'll get her to confess," I said.

"No. I think I should do it. She'll just argue with you and there's no way she'll admit because she'll expect you to retaliate. I should do it."

"How are you going to do it?"

"By pretending I want her back."

I froze for a minute or so. "Jevan, she's going to sink her claws into you before you could even reject her."

"Baby, don't you trust me?" he asked me.

"I do."

He smiled at me and took my hands into his. His eyes locking on my ring finger.

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