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Blossom's POV

I ran all the way back to my car with Hunter calling after me.

I didn't stop. I drove back to the house, feeling as if the world had shifted against me.

I made a beeline to the master bedroom, grabbed my suitcase and started packing my belongings. Hot tears dripping on everything I touched.

"BLOSSOM! BLOSSOM!" I heard Hunter calling. He had chased after me all the way here.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs when he attempted to comfort me.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen," he flatly apologized.

"You're a son of a bitch! I really thought you cared about me and our relationship and about Jason," I sobbed, sitting on the bed.

I was heartbroken.

"Baby. I do care about you and Jason. You're my whole world."

"Then why you cheated on me? And with my worst enemy from highschool?"

"I didn't know the two of you went to highschool. It was a one time thing. I swear it wouldn't happen again. Blossom, I care about you. Please don't leave me. I promise I'll make it up to you, baby. I promise." He dropped to my level, looking more hurt than I was.

"Do you promise?" I asked him.

"I do," he answered.

He tried to kiss me but I pulled away. It was too soon for kisses. I was still wounded.


The next day, I met up with Nina and Sophia at one of our usual hang outs.

"So Jevan is going to take Jason away from you?" Sophia asked when I explained to them what Jevan said to me yesterday.

"Why?" Nina asked next.

"He got angry. Hunter and I were having some problems and Jevan doesn't want Jason involved in that sort of environment," I explained.

"What kinda problem?" Nina asked again, biting into a cookie.

"He hit me. Jevan saw where I tried to cover it up with....."

"WAIT A MINUTE! He what?" Sophia alarmingly asked, drawing a scene.

"Why don't you mind your own business!" Nina shouted to the other people staring at our table from across the restaurant.

"He laid hands on you and you're still with him?" Sophia asked me.

"Yes. It was a one time thing and he promised it wouldn't happen again. Even when he cheated with Brooke..."

"Blossom, sweetie. Don't be so naive. Abuse begins in stages before it's fully dished out. And please don't tell me Brooke as in Brooke Diamonds from highschool."

"You know, I never really liked Hunter for you. There's just something about him that screams controlling, cheater, abusive and manipulator. And that's exactly what he's doing to you. You have to leave him."

"I can't. I care about him. Everyone got flaws. No one is perfect. Are the two of you perfect?"

"Of course not. But we don't go around getting into relationships with abusive men!"

"At least I have a man!" I spat out.

Nina and Sophia both fell silent. They were both single, so what I said hit right at home.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. I really was.

"That's fine. Let's just eat."

We ate in complete silence afterwards.

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