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*Four Weeks Later, back to California*

Blossom's POV

"Baby, are you going to be okay up there?" I asked Jevan as I straightened his tie and the lapels to his jacket.

"I'll be fine," he answered. I smiled at him. It was great having him back home again. Myself and the kids missed him so much. Luckily, he made a full recovery and was released from the hospital one week ago.

Together, we stepped into the courtroom with the others following a few steps behind us.

Hunter was already seated in handcuffs looking meticulous. After the arraignment, everyone was baffled by his 'Not Guilty' plea, so today, it was the trial and we, The Hollens, had the best prosecution attorney money can afford. No stones were left unturned throughout her investigation.

In criminal cases, it was her, the prosecution attorney, to give an opening statement if she so choose, and that she did. She confidently rose and stepped into the middle. Her eyes locked on the room around her.

She gave a very strong opening statement where I even noticed several members of the jury nodding slightly.

"The prosecution now calls Mrs. Blossom-wright Hollen to the stand."

I took a deep breath, stood, walked forward and got on the stand. I took the oath in swearing to tell the truth before sitting on the chair behind me.

"Mrs. Blossom Hollen, were you in a relationship with Mr. Hunter Sax?"

"I was," I answered.

"And how would you describe that former relationship?"

"At first, I thought Hunter was a great guy. We met at a gala in France then at a supermarket here at home. We got connected and I fell for him. I decided to move in with him and that's when it all changed. Hunter became verbally aggressive towards me. He abused me. Raped me and took advantage on me and the situation I was facing at the time. And he also kidnapped my daughter and I at gun point."

"Can you elaborate on said situation?"

"I was a single mom trying her best for her child, I only had my son by then, to have a stable home. He knew that and he thought I needed him in order for that to happen."

"Noted. Blossom, can you describe what happened during your physical abuse with Hunter?"

"I had try so hard to forget."

"I know this isn't something pleasant to express."

"He would slap me. Punch me. Push me to the floor or against the wall. Hold me in the throat until I became unconscious."

"Members of the jury, there's evidence of such abusive behaviour. Mrs. Hollen's had taken a few pictures when she woke up from a physical abuse and looked at herself in the mirror before hiding her bruises with makeup to go about her day."

The prosecution presented the pictures and now the defense attorney stepped forward.

"Mrs. Blossom Wright Hollen. Your name has a nice ring to it, especially the last name. That's the name you always wanted, right?" he asked, eyeing me as if he was literally talking to filth.

"Irrelevanance, Your Honor! What's your point on that question?" our attorney asked.

"Sorry, I wouldn't ask again. Now, the more interesting question is, if you had sustained such terrible abuse on more than one occasion, why didn't you go to the police and file a report and have Hunter arrested?"

"Because he told me if I did, he would get out eventually and I would get much worse. He even threatened my life. I was afraid of him," I said, tears welling in my eyes. Hunter was looking straight at me and I looked at him too. Remorse showed on his face. Actual remorse for the very first time. He lowered his head afterwards.

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