The Event

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Blossom's POV

Nina, Sophia and I met for our morning coffee and muffins at the café before going to the office.

"You know, Hollen Tower has a major event on Friday and we were selected to decorate the auditorium where it's going to be held," Sophia said with a pleasing smile.

"I think it was Jevan's idea," Nina added.

"Because we're good at what we do," Sophia said back, "And, we're also invited as guests. The three of us."

"I'm not going," I finally spoke up.

"What, why not?" my friends asked at the same time.

"There's always drama when Jevan and I are in the same room. And I'm not looking for to getting into it with Adobi again. That bitch went ballistic when she found out I told Jevan about her lies. She even came to my house and tried to fight me. I'm so done."

"She's so insecure and threatened by you," Nina said.

"Exactly. That's because she knows Jevan still loves Blossom and she is afraid of losing him to her."

"Ladies, I'm not looking forward to breaking up Adobi's relationship with him. She loves him and he loves her too. If he didn't, he wouldn't be with her. Let's just wish them both the best," I stated.

My friends agreed and we continued having our coffees and muffins.
As Friday got closer, Sophia convinced me to show up for the Hollen's event. I bought myself a fitted black dress with a high enough but appropriate slit. For my accessories, I bought a gold necklace, gold bracelets and golden heels to match.

At last, Friday arrived and I spent the morning at the office but got myself a half-day to get myself ready.

From work, I went to the hair salon and got a silk-press done on my natural hair. It fell gracefully down my back and as pathetic as it might sound, that put me in a good mood.

You have no idea how much times I've cried trying to style my hair or how many combs I broke into halves.

Arriving at my house, I made myself something to eat, took a long shower, pampered myself and got dressed.
It was already dark out when I was through. Fortunately, Jason was at his father's with a babysitter.
I arrived at the event at 7:30 in the evening. I wasn't expecting this much happening at the entrance. Paparazzi, celebrities and others lined the entrance with smiles, bright flashes and chatters.

I showed my pass to a security guard and he took me to the back entrance where I easily got inside the building.

I looked around for Nina and Sophia. A waitress carried a tray and handed me a flute of champagne.

I sipped on it slowly, eyes still trying to find my friends. They found someone else.

He casually walked towards me. His hair neatly styled on his head and dressed professionally in a black tux with a gold tie.

"You made it."

"Hi to you too, Jevan," I beamed.

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm great. You?"

"Golden," he answered with a smile, "Follow me."

He took my hand into his and led me to his associates where he introduced me to some, what I would class as, very powerful people. 

He even introduced me to several celebrities who were movie actors and actresses and song stars.

Later on, I said hello to the first Mr and Mrs. Hollen who were Jevan's grandparents and to the other Mr and Mrs Hollen who were his parents.

"There you are! And you're looking so good!" Sophia said as she found me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you. And so do you," I complimented back.

"Oh. Jevan is around here, somewhere."

"We actually saw each other already. He was the first person I met when I arrived. Where's Nina?"

"She's entertaining a guy by the bar."

"Excuse me, may I steal Blossom away from you for a bit?" Jevan interrupted.

"She's all yours," Sophia answered and I heard the 'nasty' behind her words.

She gently pushed me towards Jevan before disappearing through the crowd.

Jevan took me away to a private room which was empty but cold from the air-conditioning.

I shivered.

"Sorry. I love the AC on the coldest setting," he said. He adjusted it to suit me and pulled me towards his chest.

"Jevan, what are you doing?"

"Been waiting for you to come," he whispered sweetly in my ears which caused ripples to run down my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

"Jevan.... Jevan," I stuttered when his lips met the tender skin to my neck.

He sucked on it so sweetly that I thought I would melt faster than ice-cream in heat.

"I want you so badly," I spoke.

I did. I had been trying to lose all feelings for my first love but I couldn't. My heart wasn't having it, neither was my head.
Jevan's eyes roamed my body. He cornered me against the locked door before picking me up. My legs went around his waist and the bulge in his pants indicated that I was about to have him.

His lips clashed with mine. He kissed me hungrily and desperately as if he had been longing to do so for ages. His breathing increased as his hand traveled up my dress, the slit providing easy access.

My panties slipped off and was tossed somewhere on a couch in the middle of the room.

"I missed you," he said.

I cupped his handsome face in my hands. "I missed you too."

He took me to the five seater couch as we kissed again. Then, as I was expecting, he lifted my dress up and took me into his mouth.

I was greatful I took the time to pamper myself because shaving was included. The last thing I wanted was to be bushy and having oral.

When he was through with his 'mouth work' , he entered me slowly.

I shut my eyes to savor the passionate moment. He started thrusting deeper and faster and I wanted to rip his tux off his incredible body.

"The room is sound proof so feel free to scream and talk dirty," he said.

I laughed lightly and moaned at the same time.

"Jevan, should we really be doing this?" I asked.

"Yes," he answered as he went to a really passionate pace which made me climax almost immediately.
He spun me around so that he was facing my rear. Spanking was done next as he took me from behind.
Next, I found myself on top of him. Everything always felt so right when we were having sex together. My insides were screaming with joy and I climaxed once again.

"Damn, you're extra wet now," he said.

"Your fault," I replied.

He pulled me tight to him and he went faster. I knew he was about to pop and he did exactly right, without a withdrawal.

"Wow. You're still freaking amazing," he said and kissed me again.

"I can't believe we just did that all over again. Why can't we resist each other?"

"Because we're meant for each other."

"You're with Adobi."

"Not for much longer."


"I'm ending this crappy, toxic ass engagement and break up with her. I want a family with you and my son. If you'll have me back. Will you want that?"

I didn't know what to say.



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