post 4!

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liked by @ Jin.who, @ rocky_sweg,  @ sanhanana + 2300 others aNyWayS can we talk about this??? please?? this isn't okay??

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rocky_sweg We could, IF YOU STOPPED SCREAMING

      ↳ sanhanana @ rocky_sweg He still hasn't stopped?? is he okay??

      ↳ Jin.who @ sanhanana we honestly don't know at this point...

      ↳ @ sanhanana @ rocky_sweg @ Jin.who what is with all this disrespect today?? you guys are supposed to be my friends???

Etherealeunwoo Can we though?? like the forehead and just him and I just *dies*

      ↳ Me too, I'm dead, my ghost is typing this

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Moon bins door swung open, revealing minhyuk wearing a pair of noise cancelling headphones, "oh you've stopped screaming?" the younger said in realization as he tentatively slipped one side of the headphones of his ear.

"Oh yeah I stopped like ten minutes ago," the boy laying on his bed confirmed, "my throat was starting to hurt and you guys kept attacking me on Instagram," he finished accusingly.

"now hyung you said you wanted to talk about 'the most beautiful human in the world'," minhyuk spoke, trying to change the topic.

"too late, I already messaged sanha and we freaked out together, " the older said nonchalantly, "But what I do need to do is practice that choreography, so let's goo."

Minhyuk nodded, while grinning he'd never miss an opportunity to dance with one of his best friend, "let's ask jinjin hyung if he want's to come along!"

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

double update cause why not??

also this book is gonna include both posts and like in real life stuff so yeah!

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