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liked by @ @ Jin.who @ Myung.duckie + 13053 more

rocky_sweg oh my gosh he's the cutest human bean in existence :(( we were watching Disney movies to finish off our date and he actually fell asleep and oh my gosh he's the cutest :(((

View all comments I see everything worked out~ 

      ↳ rocky_sweg it did :))

Myung.duckie When did this happen??? when did you two start dating??

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ Myung.duckie literally like a few hours ago?

Jin.who aww that's adorable 

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ Jin.who he's even more adorable in real life, like I'm literally resisting the urge to squeal right now.

Cha_Eunwoo aw that caption and the two of you are so cute, I'm glad you two are finally together now!

      ↳ rocky_sweg thanks hyung 

      ↳ @ rocky_sweg wait what? why're you two having normal casual conversations now??

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ oh yeah we ended up meeting at the mall and we hung out for a bit, i'd say we're friends now

      ↳ @ rocky_sweg ....

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