Post 44!

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Liked by @Jin

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Liked by @Jin.who, @rocky_sweg + 15091 more

Myungjun.duckie this is proof, it's official that @sanhanana is their child, there's literally no room for discussion.

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sanhanana I object?

Myung.duckie you have no say in this

sanhanana but I'm literally one of the people you're talking about??

Myung.duckie nO RoOm fOR DiSCusSiON

sanhanana o-okay? (Should I be worried?)

Jin.who this is cute and all but what is bin even doing there??

      ↳ Myung.duckie he came to see eunwoo and Sanha just happened to come along as well? All three of them then proceeded to have a movie marathon and fall asleep after eating all the snacks in the house...

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

Okay so I'm gonna try to start posting for this again but I've kinda run out of ideas?
Like I had an idea for an angsty thing but idk if you guys would want that...
But if you have anything you want to see please comment it cause I really have no idea where to go with this right now...

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