post 20!

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liked by @ Cha_Eunwoo , @ Jin

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liked by @ Cha_Eunwoo , @ Jin.who @ Myung.duckie + 16500 more

sanhanana I did it again?

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rocky_sweg why're you posing with a bowl of fruit you weirdo?

      ↳ sanhanana @ rocky_sweg do you not like it :(( 

      ↳ Myung.duckie @ rocky_sweg apologise to the child you hurt his feelings 

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ sanhanana I never said such a thing??? look at my beautiful child :(( I stan an actual cutie :')

      ↳ sanhanana thanks hyung ❤️ I can also assure you that @ rocky_sweg likes the picture, he's been staring at it, for the past 15 minutes. he's also muttering something about how it's illegal to be as cute and as good looking as you are..

      ↳ sanhanana @ oh?? 

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ I don't need you exposing me like this????

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