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A yelp echoed through the house, followed by the sound of something, or someone crashing. "Bin? Are you okay?" a concerned jinwoo asked, "what fell?"

"Oh yeah? me? I'm fine? I'm great? I just fell, you know why? It's just The Cha Eunwoo just liked and commented on my post," bin yelled back, letting out a small nervous laugh right afterward.

"Are you sure you're okay? Bin are you alive? Are you breathing?" jinwoo walked through the hallway into Bin's room, hoping that the younger boy wouldn't fight him like how he had stated on his Instagram post.

Bin was laying on the ground surrounded by the blankets he had slipped on, a semi-hysterical look on his face, " I- I don't know how to feel hyung, he liked the photo of me fanboying over him, out of any photo on my account, any of the memes it just had to be that one," bin spoke softly once he heard jinwoo enter.

Although bin admired, heck even loved Eunwoo he had never wanted to be noticed, to most this scenario would have been a dream come true, but to bin this was his worst nightmare, the thought of his idol knowing that he existed scared him, what if Eunwoo looked at all the times he had talked about how much he loved him and thought all of his fanboying was strange? Especially because moon bin was a guy,  and in the past he had gone through many periods of time when people hated on him or his account solely because he was, well, a boy who often expressed how much he cared for and loved Eunwoo,  and that had made him way more than just a little insecure, In fact it terrified him to know that his idol could look at his account and see all the things he had said, it terrified him that Eunwoo might be disgusted with him.

Bin spilled out all his fears to the older boy who sat next to him, Jinwoo had been with Bin during all those times when people hated on the poor boy, but during those times bin had always smiled and joked about it, he hadn't let anyone see how deeply affected he was.

"Jinjin hyung I don't know what I'd do if he hated me, I've been one of his biggest fans from the beginning," the worried boy finished, his voice sounding strained as if he was holding back his tears.

"Binnie, he wouldn't hate you, he probably appreciates you and the fact that you're such a big fan," jinwoo tried to console the other boy, but it only resulted in bin freaking out even more. For the rest of that evening jinwoo and eventually rocky and sanha spent their time with the worried boy, trying to both distract him from the situation as well as convince him that Eunwoo would do no such thing, jinwoo had even tried calling Myungjun but sadly he had somewhere to be and could not attend the phone call.

Eventually, Bin did relax, letting his friends comforting words wash over him, letting their reassuring words make a home in his mind, letting himself be reminded that he would not be hated and that those who had given him hate were close-minded people who had nothing better to do then bring someone down. the boy finally calmed down and accepted that maybe Eunwoo knowing that he was loved and appreciated was a good thing. In the end, Bin was eternally grateful for his friends, because he knew that he could always count on them, especially when he got unnecessarily worried.    

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