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liked by @ sanhanana @ rocky_sweg @ Myung.duckie + 10987 more 

Jin.who @ Cha_Eunwoo I don't know what you said to him but I think you broke him, he's been sitting like this and staring at the wall for the past 10 minutes. If you did indeed break him I kindly ask you to either fix him or send a replacement.

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Cha_Eunwoo oooh that's why he stopped responding

      ↳ Jin.who @ Cha_Eunwoo yeah now kindly come over here and fix him

      ↳ Jin.who wait never mind he's functioning again 

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo yeah I realised he just sent me a message 

rocky_sweg I mean if you decide to send a replacement can you make sure he doesn't eat all the food in the house?

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