post 19!

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liked by @sanhanana @ Jin

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liked by @sanhanana @ Jin.who @ rocky_sweg +13089 more *googles how to be that plushie*

also thanks @ Myung.duckie for the pictures

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Jin.who ah so that's why he was crying

      ↳ @ Jin.who If you saw cute pictures of at myungjun hyung you'd be doing the same thing so hmph

      ↳ Jin.who @ well I can assure you that he sends me cute pictures all the time and I do no such thing

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ Jin.who I disagree I walked in to the living room once and I saw you lying there staring at pictures of mj hyung and pouting cause 'he's too cute' 

Cha_Eunwoo you don't need to be a plushie to get a hug from me, maybe I'll tag along next time myungjun hyung decides to meet up with you guys ?

      ↳ @ Cha_Eunwoo asdfdanopleasemyheartcanthandlethisthisisillegal

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ Cha_Eunwoo I asked you to not kill him for like at least a week, and you go and comment this??? he's now collapsed on the floor crying about how his heart cannot handle this and how 'oh my gosh The CHA EUNWOO is commenting these things on my posts and I swear he's going to be the death of me' 

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo @ rocky_sweg oops? is he okay though?

      ↳ rocky_sweg @ Cha_Eunwoo he'll be fine this has become a common occurrence  

Etherealeunwoo same though, also on a completely unrelated note do you remember how you said if  @ Cha_Eunwoo noticed you you would do a face reveal ???? are you still doing that or no??

      ↳ oh.. I hoped that you guys had forgotten about that.... like you guys actually don't want to see my face though right???

      ↳ Etherealeunwoo I do 

      ↳ rocky_sweg me too

      ↳ sanhanana me three 

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo my interest has been piqued 

      ↳ @rocky_sweg @ sanhanana you guys literally know what I look like???? why would you need me to do this????  @ Etherealeunwoo fine we'll see about it.. @ Cha_Eunwoo nO

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