part 39!

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Liked by @ Myung.duckie @ sanhanana @ rocky_sweg + 14008 

Cha_Eunwoo guess who has a mini garden on his terrace now? That's right me and @ Themoons_trashbin

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Jin.who you disobedient child, I literally told you that you can't have a garden literally yesterday, you're gonna kill all the poor plants :((

      ↳ Themoons_trashbin It's literally nowhere near you, in fact, it could even be considered Dongmins garden.

      ↳ Jin.who I don't care, I hope you're happy, plant murderer

Binwooforlife Are we missing something? did you move in with each other oh my gosh awasdwaw so cute 

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo nope not yet (but maybe soon)

      ↳ Themoons_trashbin (hopefully soon?)

      ↳ Binwooforlife *dies from cuteness overload*

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