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To say bin was tired was an understatement, the boy had been dancing for most of the day, only stopping to drink water every once in a while. The boy was used to taking out his frustrations and his sadness through dance.

Bin had been laying on the ground, trying to catch his breath, when he heard the door of the mirrored room he was in open. Bin had been expecting either minhyuk or jinwoo to show up and drag him home or to at least bring him food and keep him company, the two did that for him when ever he was stressed and taking it out on himself through his dancing.

The person who had walked through the door had been someone who he never would have expected, in fact the person who walked in was maybe the last person he wanted to see.

Dongmin slowly made his way to bin, who was now sitting up on the ground, staring at him in shock, "what are you doing here?" were the first words bin muttered to the other boy.

"I um... I brought you some food? Jinwoo hyung told me that you had been here all day, and I offered to go check up on you," dongmin spoke, sounding slightly nervous .

Bin looked up at the boy who was standing just a couple of steps away from him, "I thought you didn't want to talk to me?" bin asked the older boy.

"No, not at all binnie if you had checked your phone you would've seen the messages I left you, I was doing somethings for a photo shoot and I couldn't respond right away," dongmin explained to bin who sat there looking just a tad bit embarrassed.

"Oh.. I- I'm sorry about over reacting I just, I tend to worry about things a lot and I kinda let it get to me when you didn't respond," bin tried to stutter out an explanation .

"Hey, no don't worry okay, it's all okay, I mean I couldn't have given you an explanation to what you asked over text anyways.." dongmin reassured the younger boy who was both panicking and looking through his bag, trying to find his phone.

"Binnie? " the boy being called out to blushed at the nickname, "can you look at me? I need to tell you something."

" Yeah, " bin turned towards dongmin, hoping that his flushed cheeks wouldn't appear to obvious. The younger was surprised to find dongmin sitting on the ground, basically right next to him staring directly into his eyes.

" What I wanted to tell you was, " dongmins hushed whisper, practically a mumble, could be easily heard due to the close proximity of the two boys, " I do like you, as more than a friend, I think you're cute and funny, I think it's adorable how you get so flustered, I love how we just randomly meet up and talk for hours about anything and everything, so yeah I wasn't joking when I replied to those comments. I can only hope that you like me back the same way, if you don't it's okay, our friendship will resume as it was, nothing will change, " dongmin finished confessing, his voice still a whisper that could only be heard between the two sitting on the floor.

Bin sat there, staring at dongmin, stunned that an amazing person like him actually likes him back. sure bin had always admired dongmin and was a huge fan of both his voice and his looks, but as the two meet up at random times in the day and talked and got to know each other him had quite quickly developed feelings for dongmin.

"Are you going to say something? Or just stare at me with your big beautiful eyes?" dongmin questioned, some what teasing the shocked boy sitting across from him.

"I- I yeah I like you too," bin blurted out, his face once again being enveloped in a light dusting of pink.

It seemed that dongmin had some how moved even closer to bin, their faces inches apart, dongmins eyes flickered down to bins lips and back up to his eyes, "can I- " dongmins whispered question was interrupted by the sudden sound of bins stomach growling.

Bin flushed an even deeper shade of red, at that moment dongmin realised the whole reason he even came to the dance studio, it was to make sure the younger was okay and has been eating and staying hydrated.

"Binnie? When did you eat last?"

"Oh um I think I had an Apple this morning," bin confessed, he hadn't eaten all day due to stress and him not taking a long enough break to go get some food.

"It's like 7pm you haven't eaten anything all day," with those words dongmin reached for the bag of food behind him, "let's go to my apartment and eat, it isn't that far from here, " dongmin informed the younger before pushing himself off of the ground and bringing bin up with him.

Bin stood still for a moment his bag in hand, "wait," he shyly stoped dongmin, " what.. what exactly are we now? "

Dongmin smiled at bin, "well I like you and you like me, so we could be boyfriends? If that's what you want?" He spoke sounding just the slightest bit uncertain.

Bin nodded vigorously, not trusting himself to speak or even look up at the other boy.

"Come on let's go, " dongmin pouted, "you need to rest and eat."

" Okay minnie, let's go! " dongmin felt the tips of his ears get warm at both the younger boys reaction as well as the adorable nickname he was given.

The two walked out to dongmins car and made their way to dongmins home, where they spent the rest of the evening watching movies and eating food, well dongmin was watching some movies while bin was asleep on the couch cuddled up right next to him.

Dongmin smiled at the sight of bin, he was worried that he'd messed things up even that he had lost his one chance but it turned out that everything had indeed work out for the better.

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I wrote this at like 2 AM so excuse any mistakes.. I'll go through and fix them later..

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