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sanhanana Eunwoo hyung looked like a whole snack

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Themoons_trashbin my child, eunwoo is a friend, not food

      ↳ Jin.who is that a Nemo reference???

      ↳ Jin.who also you keep calling sanha your child, does that mean he's dongmin's child too?👀

      ↳ sanhanana I'm not their child?? I have parents??

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo @ Jin.who I guess he is then

      ↳ Cha_Eunwoo @ sanhanana sshhhh you're our child now

Cha_Eunwoo Is? is that a compliment?

      ↳ sanhanana yeah? I think?

rocky_sweg The only snack I see is you

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